Film & Animation
Herein we discuss Counter Reformation primarily from the perspective of the Protestant Reformation. However, we also talk about the concept of reformation and counter reformation from the Old Testament. John provides an excellent overview of the Protestant Reformation from the 14th century to the present.
God promises to preserve his word throughout time. This lesson covers the topic through the reformation leading to the AV1611 bible.
In this interview we discuss Antichrist and Mystery Babylon, tracing its origins back to the serpent in the garden and up through time to the present.
Did the mainstream media ever cover this? What happened on May 22, 2011? I can give countless stories about Christians and Angels from my own experiences and also interactions with bible believers. Let's help Joplin Missouri as you are convicted.
In this interview, I provide some background information on John Doerr, then we discuss Satanic elements in the Roman Catholic Mass, Satan's power over material things, devils versus demons, Christ's unbroken bones as a symbol that God's word cannot be broken and we talk about the Sabbath rest of Jesus.
In this discuss we discuss various Vatican councils and the Eucharist as ceremonial magic. We also compare verses in the KJV that conflict with verses in the real 1611 Authorized King James Bible.
Herein we discuss denominations, Vatican II, the 1769 Blayney KJV corruption and the authentic 1611 Authorized King James Bible, among other things.
John and I talk with Garth Kennedy, who candidly shares his testimony with our listeners. It's a remarkable story, and it testifies of the real reason we make these YouTube messages.
Baphomet. The transgender agenda. Resurrecting the gods of the ancient past. Original music composed and performed by yours truly, except for reconfigured viola da gamba samples from a pre-baroque continuo. Partner with me at, so I can make more videos like this. God bless.
Role of Pastors, Mystery Babylon, Spiritual Meanings and Discernment, Mark of the Beast
In this segment, we discuss Bible publishers and their motivations to change things. Also, we talk about punctuation changes and removal of thees and thous. We warn listeners of the 400th Anniversary Edition of The KJB (which is an altered text) and John talks about Garth Kennedy's testimony of deliverance from prostitution and the homosexual lifestyle and Garth's quest to find the true word of God.
In this discussion we talk about the Inquisitions that began with Saul of Tarsus, and how the office was passed from Caesarian Rome to Papal Rome. And, we talk about the various conspiracies to subvert the word of God, and we talk about the preservation of God's word through real Christians up through the ages. Other topics discussed: Alexandrian Manuscripts, Tischendorf, Adolf Hitler, Concordats, Ronald Reagan, Conspiracy, Hegelian Dialectic, gnosticism, RCC Catechism.
In this interview we touch on some previous topics and discuss the Jesuit Oath of Induction, The Apocrypha, Roman Catholic Dioceses and the true 1611 AKJ Bible that first came off the press in 1611 and was approved by the translation committee and by King James.
Exploring Antichrist from the early church to the present. What does scripture say, and what does history record? 1611 AKJB website:
Although the definition of the Gospel may have changed over time, God does not change. What is the Gospel for believers in Jesus Christ?
This is number six of an ongoing series of conversations/interviews with Reg Block and John Doerr. We discuss a variety of subjects, primarily revolving around the real 1611 King James Bible and the efforts of Satan and his representatives to suppress and destroy it.
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We discuss the the Oxford 1833 reprint of the 1611 Authorized King James Bible, the prophets of Babylon, the sleeping apostate church and spiritual warfare around the three films that John produced - A Lamp In The Dark, Tares Among the Wheat and A Bridge To Babylon.
In this segment, we discuss the Jesuits and Antichrist. And, we contrast the spirit of jesuitism and antichrist with that of the Holy Spirit.
Herein, we discuss occult influences around the Vatican codices, Sinaiticus and Vaticanus and their relationship to the New King James Bible. After that, we get into The Song of Solomon.