News & Politics

Sunday Roundup 24th April: This Week’s C0VID Positive News
28 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Sunday Roundup 24th April: This Week’s C0VID Positive News

Best Response for the Sickly Vaxxed Folks. This Woman Says It Perfectly!
33 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Best response for the sickly vaxxed folks. This woman says it perfectly!

France Elections: The Ballots for Marine Le Pen Are Deliberately Spoiled
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The video shows how the ballots for Marine Le Pen are already in specially sealed voting bags, which are already torn, which automatically recognizes them as unsuitable for counting.

Nazi Inside Azovstal Steel Plant Asks for a Political Resolution
27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣He says the situation is critical and asks for an ‘extraction’ procedure.

A reminder that Putin decided not to break into Azovstal but rather seal it off and wait. It looks like his strategy might have been the right one.

No idea why he thinks they deserve any respect after the way they have treated the people of the region for 8 years and how they have tortured POWs! 😳

It’s curious though that he makes no mention of the supposed children and civilians hiding in the bunkers as reported by the fakestream media, it seems to me, that would have been important to mention if you are pleading for a peaceful ‘extraction’.

In Australia the Conditioning for the Sheeple To Eat Bugs Begins
15 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Meanwhile In Australia the conditioning for the sheeple to eat bugs begins .....

QLD Medical System Collapse? Brisbane Hospitals Are Overwhelmed
9 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Brisbane hospitals are overwhelmed.
Paramedic codes reds up over 40%?

What on earth could it be?
Hmmm 🤔
I wonder 💭🤷🏻‍♂️

They blame a “surge in trauma cases” and try to downplay the staff shortages.

Are the whacks now catching up with some of the more vulnerable in society?
It would seem so.

Is this the beginning of the perilous times that are ahead for a nation that stands for nothing and falls for anything?

Lisa Johnston Interviews Jamie Mcintyre “Who Puts Up $1 Million That More People Will Die Of Covid V
37 Views · 2 years ago

⁣McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 118

Lisa Johnston Interviews Jamie Mcintyre “Who Puts Up $1 Million That More People Will Die Of Covid Vaccines Then The Spanish Flu”, Anzacs Would Want Those Who Woke Up To Attend Anzac Day Celebrations To Actually “Wake Up“ And See What’s Happening To Our Country And Stand Up Against The Enemy, And Jamie Let’s Loose On The Transgender And Pedophilia Issue Being Normalised And Pushed Upon Kids -Part 1

ANR News's Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Lt Colonel Dr Peter Chambers About A Possi
86 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ANR News's Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Lt Colonel Dr Peter Chambers About A Possible Release Or False Flag To Push Vaccines For Marburg Virus 3/3

ANR News's Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Lt Colonel Dr Peter Chambers About A Possi
52 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ANR News's Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Lt Colonel Dr Peter Chambers About A Possible Release Or False Flag To Push Vaccines For Marburg Virus 2/3

ANR News's Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Lt Colonel Dr Peter Chambers About A Possi
37 Views · 2 years ago

⁣ANR News's Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Lt Colonel Dr Peter Chambers About A Possible Release Or False Flag To Push Vaccines For Marburg Virus 1/3

Jamie Interviews Australian Freedom Activist Dave Oneggs And How The Australian Government Is Freezi
72 Views · 2 years ago

⁣McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 117
Jamie Interviews Australian Freedom Activist Dave Oneggs And How The Australian Government Is Freezing Peoples Bank Accounts To Prevent Them from Helping Fellow Susie Flood Victims

DeSantis: “We Believe in Education Not Indoctrination”
18 Views · 2 years ago

⁣DeSantis: "We believe in education not indoctrination."

Along with hitting Disney today, he signed a bill that ends the woke indoctrination in schools and workplaces.

Killers: Media-Wide
The Truth About Sigmund Pedo Freud and Who Created Netflix
34 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The truth about Sigmund Pedo Freud and who created Netflix.

Recent market report that Netflix has lost billions off its shares. People are abandoning the brainwashing media.

My Video Call With the WHO
28 Views · 2 years ago

⁣I wanted to share with you what it was like speaking to the WHO last week about a pandemic treaty. There were 48 people on the call. 16 of them were WHO staff.

I told them that the World Council for Health does not believe a pandemic treaty is necessary and would not benefit the people of our world.

I shared 16 recommendations which included the need for transparency, a return to open debate, respect of our inalienable human rights and civil liberties and the sovereignty of all people and nations. I called for the right to choose and refuse treatments or medical interventions. I also called for a rejection of mass experimentation, social engineering and discrimination based on medical status or choice.

I said our piece, knowing that I speak for all of us – all of you.

Will it make a difference? Honestly, I don’t know. But this is what we are up against. This is what we must fight.

The Pfizer Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers, Redacts Important Parts
30 Views · 2 years ago

⁣“It's a shocker of the 42,086 patients… twelve-hundred and twenty-three of them died. Death was the outcome. That's 3.7% of the total… if we knew how many doses were shipped by Pfizer, we would understand what level of death this represents… but Pfizer redacted that number of how many total doses they shipped. So we cannot know what level of death this represents.”

France – Anti Macron Rallies Have Broken Out All Over France, After the News of Another Globalist Wi
26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣France 🇫🇷 Anti Macron Rallies have broken out all over France, after the news of another Globalist win....This war won't be won at the rigged polling booths, it will be won on the streets. Long Live the People 💣🔥👊

With friends like this how could he possibly lose....

Not Counted As Vaxxine Deaths – Over 50,000 Americans Aged 65 and Up Died Within the First Two Weeks
45 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Attorney Thomas Renz: "They say, 'Well, we don't count anyone as vaccinated until 14 days after their full vaccination,' so that means until 14 days after your second dose, it's not counted. Well, they did that because they know most reactions occur within 14 days of either your first or second dose... [As of] November/December [2021], there were 52,000ish [people aged 65 and up] who died within 14 days."

It’s a Cult Now – Social Media Created an Echo Chamber of Group-Thinking Hypochondriacs
42 Views · 2 years ago

⁣oe Rogan: "...all of these crazy people who are hypochondriacs have grouped up together, and they're enforcing each other. And this one guy was wearing a respirator... Why are you wearing a respirator? Are you gonna wear this in five years?"⁣

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