McIntyre Report
How to make 50-100% capital gain in the next 12 months, then 20-30% net rental yields forever.
Tucker Carlson destroys Pier Morgan , but the Israel lobby now hate Tucker
Who owns the UFC ? Ian Carroll says you’ll be surprised
Why don’t they want us to hear Hitlers speeches? What are they scared of?
Dana White attacks UFC Bryce Mitchell for his love to go fishing with Hitler
Excesss deaths took off straight after the first vaccine roll out in Australia
Senator Rennick says Australian politicians should be at least charged with “ negligent homicide”for
Senator Rennick says Australian politicians should be at least charged with “ negligent homicide”for pushing the COVID vaccines upon Australians and telling people they were “safe,effective and necessary”.
Should Australia exit the WHO like the US has ?
Vaccine death and injury in Australia and the lockdowns ?
Does Australia need a Trump or at least a political revolution?
Will Trumps tarrifs work or backfire ?
Interview with Senator Rennick
Were 6 million Jews Gassed by Hitler as we have been told, and if no why continue with such an offen
Were 6 million Jews Gassed by Hitler as we have been told, and if no why continue with such an offensive lie ?
Will Trump be able to put Israel in their place or do they own Trump ?
Communism was a Jewish creation as was slavery says Researcher
Stalin, and Churchill were puppets of the Rothchilds
Who killed JFK and why ?
Why did Mossad do the Bali Bombings, why are they behind almost all Global terrorists ?
Was even Hitler funded by the Rothschilds?
Will the MAGA movement be split down the middle
Was even Hitler funded by the Rothschilds?