Jamie McIntyre uncensored

The Countries Supporting The Nazi Rouge State Of Ukraine
18 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The countries supporting the Nazi Rouge state of Ukraine, who refuse Independent investigations into the Buscha Massacre, and others, refuse for one reason only – they are guilty – guilty of the atrocities committed to frame Russia, and guilty of supporting and aiding a known illegal Nazi Regime in Ukraine, that doesn’t care for life. The Globalists and our taxpayer money is being used to arm these murderous Nazis, to continue the killing of innocent Ukrainians and Russian soldiers sent to protect Ukrainians and help defend against the Nazis -Stand with Nazis they demand of us in the West, by saying stand with Ukraine.Why?Tell me one good reason why we should stand with a Nazi rouge State run by the Globalists desperate to avoid their fate.To hell with the Great Reset and the Nazi Regime the Globalists are backing -Only the deeply misled and fooled offer any support or sympathy for such murderers.Stand for humanity.

Arnie Gets Fact Checked Over His Anti Russian Paid For Propaganda
21 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Arnie gets fact checked over his anti Russian paid for propaganda, is there a single thing that isn’t fake news coming from the West over Russia – Ukraine – so called Russian Propaganda seems small in comparison, plus westerners mostly only see their news, especially as RT is banned in most western countries, – so how is it they could be subject to so called Russian propaganda? – we live in a world of fake news, fake money, fake science, fake pandemics and fake vaccines. Many fake people are so desperate to impress their fake friends, by posting “ I stand with Ukraine or I took a booster so should you “.

When a man is allowed to pretend to be a woman, and win a woman’s swimming competition, surely more “actual women“should be outraged, and object, but now that isn’t allowed – and racist President Joe Biden wants to select a black woman as Supreme Court Justice not because she may be qualified but because of her skin colour or is it because she a protector of paedophiles?Www.anrnews.com


⁣ANR Chief Editor Highlights That Many US Politicians Want War With Russia
30 Views · 3 years ago

⁣ANR Chief Editor Highlights That Many US Politicians Want War With Russia - And Are Sending Billions In Lethal Weapons To Ukraine To Prolong And Encourage War As That’s Pretty Much All Us Foreign Policy Stands For Is - Let’s Export Democracy Via Dropping Bombs On Country After Country - Let’s Over Throw Democratically Elected Presidents Such As They Did In Ukraine And Put A Regime Together And Help Them Murder Innocent Ukrainians For 8 Years And Now Let’s Try And Manipulate The Public Into Supporting The Neo Nazi Regime We Put Together To Destroy The Country And Stand Firmly Against Any Country That Has Honour, Integrity And The Courage To Stand Up To The Evil Globalists Regime And Liberate Eastern Ukraine Once And For All - Yes Putin Made A Mistake - He Should Have Not Thought Appeasement With The “ Empire Of Lies “ Would Have Resolved The Issue And Instead Stopped The Take Over By The Us And Soros Of Ukraine In 2014 And Stopped The Slaughter Then Of Innocent Ukrainians - Stand With Ukraine) neo Nazis why?


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