Third Wave Media
Third Wave Media

Third Wave Media



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Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci Must be Arrested and Held Accountable, Says Ben Marble, MD
70 Views · 2 years ago

⁣WATCH: Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci must be arrested and held accountable, says Ben Marble, MD.

Bill Gates Is a Broken Man As 72% of Americans Now Object to the C0VID Shot
47 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Dr. Andrew Wakefield: [72% of Americans are] either not getting the first dose, not getting the second dose, or not getting the booster. That is an abject failure on behalf of that vaccine program. If you [saw] Bill Gates [in his interview], he was a broken man. Bill Gates was a broken man. It [the vaccine] was an utter failure, and it was a failure on so many levels. But what they have done is they have attrited public confidence. They will not get it back. The public do not trust them anymore."

Bankers Wars the Cause of all Wars. A Must Watch Video
27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Bankers' Wars are the cause of all wars. Must watch the video.

I wrote about this in my first book, “What I Didn’t Learn At School But Wish I Had” in 1999 and us available for free at

⁣All Wars are Bankers Wars

What if every war fought in the last century was just a means to install central banks into countries that didn't want them?

If you look at a list of all the nations the US has toppled since 9/11, it's every nation that was not connected to a central bank under international control.

It's not a coincidence, and any time a nation attempts to back their currency with something like gold or silver, their leaders mysteriously get assassinated or some other disaster happens that upends the government so it can be coup'd.

The Latest on Vaccine Detox
8 Views · 3 years ago

I found this video last night and 4 different treatments as discussed here with these leading doctors that can help people who have taken the jabs.

Please share below anything else that you know to be effective.

Also remember,
a lot of people are going to experience horrible vaccine regret and anxiety.

Unfortunately it took the injections to wake many people up.

And If they are waking up,
go easy on them.

They are gonna need us like never before.
Many will become our fiercest supporters.

Many will realise again we were the ones that never, ever stopped fighting for them.

Third Wave Media - promotional video (long)
Third Wave Media
46 Views · 2 years ago

Third Wave Media
promotional video (long)

Third Wave Media - promotional video (short)
Third Wave Media
84 Views · 2 years ago

Third Wave Media
promotional video (short)

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