
Wayne Crouch Speaks With Phillip Mcdonald Of Feeding Families
43 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣Wayne Crouch Speaks With Phillip Mcdonald Of Feeding Families A Family Charity That Has Fed And Clothed Thousands Since The Globalist Takeover Begun

ANR Founder says “it’s the sheer ignorance of those who fall for mainstream media deception
70 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣ANR Founder says “it’s the sheer ignorance of those who fall for mainstream media deception, that are the cause of the world's problems - anyone falling for the smear campaign against Russia over the Buscha massacre is effectively aiding the Globalists deadly agenda, and anyone that considers mainstream media is telling the truth about anything is severely misled - there are zero excuses to be ignorant in today’s world, where the fake news is now so obvious.”

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