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Lux Projects Video
Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake
How To Get Finance For Bali Properties, 100% Pre-Approved, No Interest, No Repayments, And How Prope
How To Get Finance For Bali Properties, 100% Pre-Approved, No Interest, No Repayments, And How Properties From $59,000 Can Generate $2500 Or $119,000 Luxury Villas, $5000 A Month Or $600,000 Villas,$20,000 Per Month
La vita frenetica di ogni giorno, provoca molta tensione e stress nella mente e nell'anima.. Il nostro spirito anima e corpo ha una urgente necessità di fermarsi ed entrare nel relax, affinché tutto ciò che è dentro di te possa essere rigenerato.
Se questa musica è piacevole per le tue orecchie, un tuo commento e un mi piace, mi incoraggerà a produrre altri sottofondi.
In questo canale ho prodotto e continuo a produrre svariati video utili per riflessioni. Ti sarò grato se potrai aitarmi a far crescere questo canale cliccando semplicemente nel tasto "iscriviti2 o la campanella.
Le mie pubblicazioni non hanno scopo di lucro in quando ciò che faccio lo metto a disposizione per tutti.
I miei contatti, canali e social:
Mail: eliseo.paterniti@alice.it
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Video clip e Musica creata da: Eliseo Paterniti
#music #musica #música #musicarilassanteperstudiare #musicarilassanteperstudiare #musicarilassanteperdormire #música #musica #music
Questo video dovrebbe far riflettere la gente obiettiva sui
fatti reali.
What about taxes if i invest in Bali? - Part 2
What about taxes if i invest in Bali? - Part 1
LUX projects bali
How Brand New Villas for $99,000 AUD can generate $5000 per month or $49,000 Studios $2500 per month
How Brand New Villas for $99,000 AUD can generate $5000 per month or $49,000 Studios $2500 per month and how Australians are replacing their full time incomes from some Bali holiday villas.
La mia passeggiata di oggi è nell'immensa bellezza del parco archeologico della Neapolis a Siracusa.
Contatto Mail: eliseo.paterniti@alice.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Telegramma: https://web.telegram.org/a/#-10017219...
Trhuth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@UCsZGjqQvtuL...
Trhuthbook: https://truthbook.social/EliseoPaterniti
TrhuthTube: https://truthtube.video/@EliseoPaterniti
Link alle location filmate:
#nature #landscapes #Landschaften #paesaggi #paesaggio #italia #italy #italian #sicilia #sicily #siciliani #sizilien #relaxing #walk #relaxingwalker #orecchiodidionisio
#siracusa #syracuse #Syrakus
During my walk I like to contemplate the beauty of creation by taking spontaneous photos and videos. This video was made in the small village of Hüttlingen in Germany, an excellent place for relaxing walks and contemplating of God's creation
Contact: eliseo.paterniti@alice.it
#nature #landscapes #Landschaften #paesaggi #paesaggio #germany #Deutschland #aalen
Why Egypt Doesn't Want Palestinian Refugees?
I don’t know anywhere near enough about the history of the Middle East and Palestine…
but I was perplexed as to why none of their neighbours are helping…
this was a bit of an insight as to why.
No matter what has happened in the past,
humans are humans and deserve to be treated as such.
Everything else remains crimes against humanity.
During my walks immersed in nature I really like taking photographs and filming.
Contact Mail: eliseo.paterniti@alice.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Telegram: https://web.telegram.org/a/#-10017219...
Trhuth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@UCsZGjqQvtuL...
Trhuthbook: https://truthbook.social/EliseoPaterniti
TrhuthTube: https://truthtube.video/@EliseoPaterniti
Links to filmed locations:
#nature #landscapes #Landschaften #paesaggi #paesaggio #italia #italy #italian #sicilia #sicily #siciliani #sizilien #relaxing #walk #relaxingwalker
Apartement 2
Apartment Video 1
Mario Chisari è stato una tra i primi membri della chiesa evangelica nascente in Paternò (Sicilia) Contatto: eliseo.paterniti@alice.it
Altri social e canali: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
Telegramma: https://web.telegram.org/a/#-10017219...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eliseopater...
Trhuth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@UCsZGjqQvtuL...
Trhuthbook: https://truthbook.social/EliseoPaterniti
TrhuthTube: https://truthtube.video/@EliseoPaterniti
YouTube: Da pugilista a figlio di Dio (Mario Chisari) - YouTube
In the sixth part of a 13-part series, attorney Tom Watson reveals how Leo Frank was cross-examined and lied to in the face of conflicting testimony from various witnesses. Montin Stover's testimony proved that Leo Frank was a liar. Detective Harry Scott questions Leo Frank, who says he was in the office when Montin Stover went to collect his paycheck. Governor Tom Watson, John M.Slaton, Leo Frank's business partner, may be trying to avoid the lawsuit by buying his office as a pen and pencil prostitute.
Rich Jews couldn't buy poor Americans or even the courts (including judges, lawyers, and juries), but they could buy corrupt politicians to pardon Jewish sex offenders. The Jewish-owned press portrayed him as a small, skinny, 6-foot-130-pounder, unable to beat Mary Fagan, when in reality he was 6-foot-tall and weighed 155 pounds at least.
These falsifications of Leo Frank's body measurements were carried out to shift responsibility for the crime onto Jim Conley, an African-American factory manager. No one expected a well-trained and physically fit athlete like Leo Frank to keep trying to seduce a girl for over a year. She constantly resisted him, and finally, unable to overcome his passion, he decided to beat her unconscious with the iron handle of a lathe and rape her while she worked.
He went mad and was hanged because he did not want to be castrated and killed as a rapist. Mel Stanford said he saw blood and hair samples near the locker room. Stanford cleaned the floor on Friday without taking any blood or hair samples. He noticed this when he went to the cleaners again on Monday. Ms. George Jefferson, who worked in a pencil factory, said he saw bloodstains near the girl's dressing room. E.F., a factory inspector who sympathized with Leo Frank.
Holloway said Leo visited Corinthia Hall and Emma Clark again before entering the factory to collect his wages. RP Barrett is a factory worker who discovers blood and hair at his workplace. Leo Frank bribed his ex NV Darley as an alibi for planting another sex offender who molested underage girls like Opie Dickerson.
Evidence related to the murder of Newt Lee. However, when N.W.Darley went to see Leo Frank the next morning, Monday, Leo Frank abandoned the match, saying he was nervous. Also, he R.P. Barrett said they found payment envelopes, white powder to clean up evidence and traces of blood. When Leo Frank responded to the police, his body language indicated that he was involved in the murder.
Bali Apartments
Bali Apartments