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Persons are fictional beings
17 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Persons are fictional beings

Lisa Johnston Interviews Jamie Mcintyre “who Puts Up $1 Million That More People Will Die Of Covid V
47 Views · 2 years ago

⁣McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 119

Lisa Johnston Interviews Jamie Mcintyre “who Puts Up $1 Million That More People Will Die Of Covid Vaccines Then The Spanish Flu”, Anzacs Would Want Those Who Woke Up To Attend Anzac Day Celebrations To Actually “wake Up“ And See What’s Happening To Our Country And Stand Up Against The Enemy, And Jamie Let’s Loose On The Transgender And Pedophilia Issue Being Normalised And Pushed Upon Kids -part 2

The Last Dream: Other People’s War
44 Views · 2 years ago

⁣John Pilger returned to his homeland with director Alan Lowery, a fellow Australian, to make a three-part documentary series, The Last Dream, screened at the time of the country’s bicentenary in 1988.

In Other People’s Wars, the last in the trilogy, he explores a history of Australians fighting colonial wars in foreign lands for the British Empire and the United States.

‘We Australians have a special relationship with war,’ says Pilger. ‘We fight mostly against people with whom we have no quarrel and who offer no threat of invasion. Australians fought in China during the Boxer Rebellion, in New Zealand against the Maoris, in South Africa against the Boers, in Europe against Germans, in Korea against Koreans, in Vietnam against Vietnamese.’

In the First World War, Australia, with a population of just five million, lost more of its young men, proportionally, than any other country except France. Anzac Day – the annual commemoration of the disastrous invasion of Gallipoli in 1915 – is promoted as if it is a national day. Ostensibly a celebration of ‘heroes’, it can seem a melancholy occasion used to justify the ties that bind Australia to the superpower across the Pacific.

The Japanese bombed northern Australia during the Second World War, but it never invaded. The United States never invaded, but it occupies Australian political life. When, in 1945, a Labor government sought a place for Australia among small, independent ‘new world’ countries, the US was quick to intervene. The government of Prime Minister Ben Chifley and Foreign Affairs Minister Herbert Vere Evatt was considered ‘unsafe’ and subjected to Cold War smears and an American-backed campaign to install the conservative Robert Menzies, an Anglophile and imperial figure.

During his long reign, Menzies, in high secret and without the permission of even his cabinet, allowed the British to test its nuclear weapons on Aboriginal land regardless of wind patterns that put Australian urban populations at risk. Australia was now fully integrated into the Cold War and its ‘small wars’.

Pilger dissects the myth that Australia was ‘dragged [into Vietnam] by the United States’. Menzies was not only willing, but offered troops, and 521 mostly conscripted young men died and more than 3,000 were wounded.

The most remarkable feature of Other People's Wars is near the end of the film. In 1972, with the election of Gough Whitlam's Labor government, ‘there was at long last the chance of independence’. wrote one observer. Whitlam was not anti-Washington, but he and his largely left-wing cabinet had no intention of allowing Australia to continue as America's servitor.

During his government’s first 100 days, Whitlam ended all military involvement in Vietnam, along with conscription. Those jailed for opposing the war were freed and pending prosecutions were stopped. Royal patronage was scrapped.

The US administration of President Richard Nixon feared for its secret bases in Australia, notably those at Pine Gap, Nurrungar and the North West Cape, when Whitlam made it clear that they were no longer sacrosanct and the treaty governing Pine Gap, due to expire in December 1975, might not be extended.

Whitlam also demanded to know the names of CIA agents working undercover in Australia, leading the agency’s chief of East Asia, Theodore Shackley, to describe the Prime Minister as a ‘security risk’ and threaten to end intelligence links with Australia.

There followed a ‘coup’ against Australia's democratically elected government in 1975. This is examined by Pilger and a team that includes distinguished investigative journalists William Pinwill and Brian Toohey and, in the United States, Joseph Trento.

Ostensibly, the Whitlam government was sacked by the Governor-General, Sir John Kerr, the British monarch’s representative in Australia, using archaic ‘reserve powers’, on the pretext of the Senate’s refusal to release budget resources. It was, says Pilger, a repeat of the CIA’s successful coup in Chile two years earlier against Salvador Allende.

The CIA's contacts with a senior Australian civil servant who had the ear of Kerr were vital. ‘Dozens of calls took place,’ says Trento, ‘[including] a recommendation to remove Whitlam from office... There was a call from the CIA to MI6 [in London], saying we have a security problem with the Prime Minister of Australia.’

The night before The Last Dream was broadcast, Pilger spoke to Whitlam on the phone. ‘We talked for several hours,’ he said. ‘He backed the film and said that this was the only time, to his knowledge, that there had been a comprehensive television investigation and he was grateful for it. Whitlam didn’t believe that his overthrow had been directly engineered by foreign intelligence agencies but felt that they had played a significant part. In the end, he blamed the Governor-General, whom he loathed personally.’

Following the broadcast of The Last Dream in Britain and on ABC Television, Whitlam repeated that he believed the CIA and MI6 had played a part. In his 1985 book, The Whitlam Government 1972-75, he revealed that in 1977 President Carter had sent an emissary to Australia who told him that ‘the US would never again interfere in the domestic political processes of Australia’.

4.8 Million Ballots Trafficked in the 2020 Election
43 Views · 2 years ago

⁣7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked in every Swing State True the Vote has looked in

"It’s an organized crime that was perpetrated on Americans”

Aussie Cossack Drops a Barrage of Truth Bombs Live on Air
73 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Aussie Cossack Drops a Barrage of Truth Bombs Live on Air

Good Clip Talking About the Bio Distribution of the Lipid Nanoparticle and How It Is Distributed Acr
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Good clip talking about the bio distribution of the lipid nanoparticle and how it is distributed across all organs in the body.

The speaker emphasises that because an LNP is so much smaller than a normal virus it can get to many organs in the body. As such the distribution pattern of the vaccine is uncontrolled.

US Defense Chief Explains Goal To ‘Weaken Russia’
26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Lloyd Austin has expanded on Washington’s stated goal to ‘weaken Russia’ during its military action in Ukraine.

According to Austin, Moscow’s capabilities are less than they were prior to the start of the conflict due to casualties and equipment destroyed. The economic sanctions are then supposed to prevent Russia from reinforcing.

The official also added that he still expects Ukraine to at some point apply for NATO membership, an issue the Kremlin cited as a key reason for its ongoing military involvement.

The Australian Government That Provokes China To Have You Scared of Them, Is Sending Lethal Aid to M
34 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Australian Government that provokes China to have you scared of them , is sending lethal aid to murderous Nazis in Ukraine

The Australian Government that provokes China to have you scared of them , is sending lethal aid to murderous Nazis in Ukraine.
Ukraine is now a rogue Nazi state, set up in 2014 by an illegal coup orchestrated by the U.S. State Department and George Soros and co and they have been at war against Ukrainians in the east of the country ever since .
Murdering over 15,000 until Putin said enough is enough & stepped in to stop the slaughter

Who should we be afraid of ,
China,or the Nazi’s we are sending weapons to & arming to the teeth to kill?
Do not think the Globalists such as the Rothschilds, can’t send their Nazi henchman to any country in the world.
It’s not the first time the Rothschilds have funded Nazis to slaughter innocents, and if Russia and Putin don’t succeed, then it won’t be the last.
Demand the Australian Government ceases sending lethal aid to Nazis in Ukraine.

3 Years Worth of Midazolam Suddenly Gone – “I Think [People] Were Being Murdered”
38 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Dr. Mike Yeadon: "There are a group of people in the National Health Service who ordered and with physicians who dispensed three years worth of midazolam and morphine in a couple of three-week or four-week periods, coinciding, oddly enough, with huge numbers of deaths, including the people who you wouldn't have expected to die, [such as] someone who was 60 and not previously ill."

Is China our real threat or is it the murderous Nazis backed by the West including Australia
20 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The Australian Government that provokes China to have you scared of them , is sending lethal aid to murderous Nazis in Ukraine

28 Views · 2 years ago


⁣Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion
142 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion
ANR Founder shares his thoughts on whether this is a good or bad thing

What’s your thoughts ?

Ex-Military Meteorologist Acknowledges That They Are Spraying Chemtrails Live on Main Stream Media
28 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Ex-military meteorologist acknowledges that they are spraying chemtrails live on main stream media.

“Fluoridation of the Public Water Supply Amounts To Murder on a Grand Scale” – Dr Dean Burk, Nationa
57 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Fluoride Causes Cancer and Reduces IQ.

“Fluoridation of the Public Water Supply amounts to Murder on a Grand Scale” - Dr Dean Burk, National Cancer Institute.

Sunday Roundup 24th April: This Week’s C0VID Positive News
28 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Sunday Roundup 24th April: This Week’s C0VID Positive News

Best Response for the Sickly Vaxxed Folks. This Woman Says It Perfectly!
33 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Best response for the sickly vaxxed folks. This woman says it perfectly!

France Elections: The Ballots for Marine Le Pen Are Deliberately Spoiled
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣The video shows how the ballots for Marine Le Pen are already in specially sealed voting bags, which are already torn, which automatically recognizes them as unsuitable for counting.

Nazi Inside Azovstal Steel Plant Asks for a Political Resolution
27 Views · 2 years ago

⁣He says the situation is critical and asks for an ‘extraction’ procedure.

A reminder that Putin decided not to break into Azovstal but rather seal it off and wait. It looks like his strategy might have been the right one.

No idea why he thinks they deserve any respect after the way they have treated the people of the region for 8 years and how they have tortured POWs! 😳

It’s curious though that he makes no mention of the supposed children and civilians hiding in the bunkers as reported by the fakestream media, it seems to me, that would have been important to mention if you are pleading for a peaceful ‘extraction’.

In Australia the Conditioning for the Sheeple To Eat Bugs Begins
15 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Meanwhile In Australia the conditioning for the sheeple to eat bugs begins .....

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