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Was it an inadvertent secret service failure or deliberate?
Candance thinks it was a deliberate failure,as it’s not possible to have been inadvertent.
0% chance it was inadvertent, in fact.
Australian National Review
The latest on the Trump Assassination attempt - Part 2
The latest on the Trump Assassination attempt - Part 1
This Senate Hearingtook place on July 11, 2024 and was entitled, “Risky Research: Oversightof U.S. Taxpayer Funded High-Risk Virus Research”. This is the Children’sHealth Defense (CHD) version of that Hearing. The CHD video was a part ofan article in The Defender entitled, “Mandating COVID Shots ‘One ofthe Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says” posted on 7/12/24 (
How Globalist George Soros over throw Governments without you even knowing
Why are Australian Property prices so high and going even higher? - Part 2
Why are Australian Property prices so high and going even higher?
The TGA have just admitted they don’t understand the risks of the COVID vaccine.
The fact that this relates to risks to the immune system is just plain negligence.
As set out on page 45 of the Pfizer non-clinical report the lipids of the vaccine entered nearly every organ of the body including the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.
The purpose of these organs is to regulate the immune system.
Yet as the two attached studies show these organs don’t have ACE receptors on their cell membranes. What this means is the virus can’t enter the cells in these organs but that the vaccine does.
This means the vaccine attacks organs of the immune system when the virus doesn’t.
How is this safer?
And I quote:
“In the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, cells of the immune system such as B and T lymphocytes, and macrophages were consistently negative for ACE2”
“Finally, despite the presence of ACE2 in numerous organs, tissues and cells have not been completely clarified and in many of them not yet investigated, ACE2 seems to be absent in the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and in several cells of the immune system.”
Quotes from:
A truly remarkable transformation.
“I started with the complete belief that vaccines were the most important medical discovery…to being so opposed to vaccination…that I would ban them all…and I would outlaw every single one…”
JUST IN: Russian President Putin announces BRICS will form its own parliament.
"BRICS doesn't have [an] institutionalized parliamentary structure yet, but I believe that this idea will definitely be implemented in the future in the future."
FAQS answered by Jamie
Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying 'Air Vax' mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails
Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe.
As the globalist elite find it harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid mRNA shots and endless boosters, they are having to find deceitful new ways to force their mRNA on us.
According to pilots familiar with the scheme, the new airborne mRNA, known as Air Vax, is designed to deliver the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections – and the need for consent.
How many Australians have Scomo and Albo killed through vaccine mandates?
How many Australians are on death row who will soon die of heart attacks, blood clots and cancer associated with the vaccines?
Meanwhile how many Australians has Putin killed? ZERO.
Russia is not the enemy. The Australian Government is the enemy!
Dr. David Martin: "They are out of bullets. They wanted to make sure we got vaccine passports, they wanted to make sure that the World Health Organization came along and suspended all of our civil liberties for the rest of time...What happened was the World Economic Forum failed. Klaus Schwab got tired and now he's stepping down. The actors know that they failed.
Melinda Gates has actually realized that the Gates Foundation was actually a giant ruse that was done as nothing more than the set up for laundering the antitrust monopoly felony crimes that her husband had done back when Janet Reno settled with Microsoft.
We know that the entire establishment whether it's the World Economic Forum, whether it's the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...we know that all of these organizations thought that they could bamboozle all of us. They thought that by putting fact checkers on every post, we'd stop sharing posts. They thought by cancelling people that we wouldn't actually listen to people's voices. They thought that by making sure that we never showed up on mainstream media that nobody would ever hear our voices. But the bad news is for them, we continue to do it.
So what are the simple things that you can do? Support the alternative platforms that are allowing these voices to be heard. Make sure that you actually have these conversations when you consider political donations, when you consider political action, when you consider endorsing anyone for any position of leadership, from a school board to a city council, to a county council, to a congress seat, to a senator, to a president. In every single moment make sure that you are articulating the fact that we the people have the power. We have power to actually change the trajectory that we're on. We have the power to make sure that the people who actually acted with impunity no longer can do that."
The Chinese company Xiaomi announced the launch of a factory where only robots work.
CEO Lei Jun said that the new factory in Beijing can operate 24 hours a day without people and produce 1 smartphone per second (10 million per year).
Some machines will assemble gadgets, others will monitor the quality of their work, and others will maintain cleanliness inside the building.
There are also production lines for automotive electronic parts inside. Xiaomi plans to further scale up robotic production.
Australia appoints anti-semitism envoy
PM Anthony Albanese has appointed a special envoy to “preserve social cohesion” by tackling anti-semitism, but will only appoint a similar role to tackle Islamophobia at a later date.
Jilian Segal will be tasked with fighting antisemitism’s “age-old hatred,” which she highlighted by pointing out a 700% increase in incidents against Jews in Australia since the Gaza conflict began.
The Jewish Council of Australia, however, says such a move will only worsen division by conflating antisemitism with criticism of Israel’s campaign or support for Palestine.
Listen to the reality of what Putin is doing in the ex-Ukrainian territories under their control.
Western media once more caught out in their propaganda lies!
June Employment Report by CNBC.
The White House is Openly Admitting that US ATACMs Ballistic Missiles are being used to Strike Russi
The White House is openly admitting that US ATACMs ballistic missiles are being used to strike Russian targets in Crimea.
Not only does the White house admit this, but they are publicly gloating about it!
How to profit from both Australian and bali property at the same time