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An Overview of the Brigalow Corp Takeover of Australia
The Queensland Constitution 2001 / The Brigalow Corporation /
The Removal of all Ownership Rights in QLD & all other states of Australia.
1. Queensland Constitution 1867 was reframed with 114 Changes, 131 Additions and 116 Deletions.
2. January 1998, QLD National Party documented a move to place the QLD Governor in the Government as a Parliamentary Secretary under the QLD Constitution 1867 / Constitution (Parliamentary Secretaries) Act ©The State of QLD 1996.
3. This became official January 29 1999, the same day the QLD Constitution 1867 was reprinted.
4. Thus the Governor was no longer a sworn representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, but a Public Servant of the QLD Government.
5. He was still using the Public Seal of the State on behalf of the Premier and Parliament of QLD and maintained the appearance of the Governor to the Sovereign People of the State.
1. In 1973, Gough Whitlam brought in the Queen of Australia through the adoption of the Royal & Parliamentary Titles Act 1927
2. This removed Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Assigns as enshrined in the Commonwealth of Australian Constitution Act (UK) 1900 and replaced the Crown with the Queen of Australia.
3. On the 19 December 1973, the Whitlam Government also removed the Great Seal of Britain from use and replaced it with the Great Seal of Australia.
4. In 1986, Bob Hawke brought in the Australia Act.
5. This is the Constitution of the new Parliament of Australia.
6. This is not the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1900 of the People.
7. This act removed the ability of the UK Parliament to make laws for Australia, making Britain a foreign country. This was defined by the High Court in the case Sue v Hill 1999.
1. During the early 1990’s all important and relevant Acts were changed and framed, but were adjourned without a definite date of reprinting.
2. On 3 December 2001, the Queensland Constitution 2001 came into being.
3. On this day, this ACT became the “Fundamental Law of QLD”.
4. 7 June 2002, all the framed Acts were reprinted and became law.
5. QLD then became, at the completion of these matters, without the assent of any of the laws by the Crown or Her Representative, an independent sovereign State and fractured the common law and the separation of powers in that state.
6. 15 July 2002, The Corporations (Q) Act 1990 (Q) Reprint No 3 created in QLD a Corporate Government.
The State of Queensland Australia is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commissions under No. 0001244818.
7. The Queensland Treasury Corp is registered under No. 0000852555.
8. The old crowns lands act (Qld) was converted to the Land Act 1994 (Qld), and at section 4(1) the Land Administration Commission was renamed Brigalow Corporation.
9. The Land Act 1994 – Reprint No 10c, Part 7A, Section 506C states that the Corporation (Brigalow Corp) represents the Crown.
10. Culminating in the Beattie Govt introduction of the QLD Constitution 2001, QLD government administrations had reworked backward every piece of Federal and state legislation, removing any connection to and mention of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, British law and the Royal Seal of England.
11. These acts were then reworked forward, replacing the removed elements with the Queen of Australia (as created by the Whitlam Govt in 1973) and the Great Seal of both Australia and QLD.
12. This means that the legislation contained in those acts are now “governed” by the government of those Seals, not the government of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1900.
13. The Australia Waste Lands Act 1855 was reprinted in 1996 under the Seal of QLD, and because the Queen of Australia was also now sealed with the Seal of QLD, this effectively created a QLD “ownership” of all Crown land in Australia.
14. And as the introduction of the Corporations (Q) Act 1900 (Q) Reprint No 3 had created a Corporate Govt, this effectively meant all Crown land “ownership” was now under the control of the Qld Corporation, known as the Brigalow Corp.
15. All Crown land, assets and infrastructure in Australia including schools, hospitals, roads, etc are subject to and responsible to the Ministers of the State of QLD as cited at Chapter III of the QLD Constitution 2001.
16. All Sovereign People are now persons under the Corporation, All persons are chattel ( a piece of property that is moveable).
17. Their land, bank accounts and all items of ownership are now assets under the Brigalow Corporation.
18. The Supreme Court, the District Courts and the Magistrate’s Courts are now inside the Parliament of the State of QLD, and as such must obey the QLD Constitution 2001.
19. The Australian Constitution, the Common Law & Equity, the High Court and the Federal Government no longer have any superior governance over the State of QLD.
20. The State of QLD and the Sovereign People of QLD have only Civil and Statute Law in this state.
21. As private ownership can not exist under Civil and Statute Law, all private equity and inheritance in the State is now the property of “the State”.
1. Under the civil law system, which is now subject to the Uniform Civil Procedures Rules of the Supreme Court Act 1991(Qld), every person is guilty until they prove their innocence.
2. The Common Law has been repealed from the Supreme Court Act 1995 (Q), Reprint No. 2, reprinted as in force 2 March 2001 © State of Q 2001
3. This states that the Governor in Council may make rules of court under this act for the Supreme Court, District court, Magistrates Court, registries and other matters mentioned in Schedule 1
4. Schedule 1 has jurisdiction over the civil, criminal and appellate courts, Parties & Proceedings, Defence, Service of Documents, Pleadings, Disclosure, Preservation of Rights & Property, Ending Proceedings Early, Court Supervision, Evidence, Jurisdiction of Judicial Registrars, Trails & Other Hearings, Particular Proceedings, probate, Contempt of Court, Vexatious Proceedings, Trusts, Costs, Appeals etc, Money Orders Enforcement, Foreign Judgment Enforcements, Corporations, Miscellaneous.
5. Therefore the Governor in Council now makes all the Rules of the Court for these matters.
6. The Queensland Constitution 2001 Chapters 1 & 2 refer to the Legislative Assembly and the Governor. In Chapter 3, Part 1, sect 27 – “The Governor in Council is the Governor acting with the advice of Executive Council.”
7. Sect 30 – “The Constitution Act 1867 contains provisions about the office of Governor. At Chapter 3, Part 4, sect 48, those “appointed as members…by the Governor…..”
8. This Executive council is given separate law makings Powers of the State at Chapter 3, Part 5, Sect 51, where is states, the Executive Government of the State of QLD (the “State) = The State may exercise its powers……
9. In Chapter 3, Part 5, Sect 55 (1) – “A minister may delegate a power of the State to an appropriately qualified officer of the State.” (“officer of the state” means – a chief executive………………….)
10. Therefore the Premier of QLD must always be the leader of the Executive Body and is now the Executive Leader of the Parliament of QLD.
11. Simply put – the Premier is delegated the power through his role as Chief Executive. This power controls the Executive Government of QLD. The Governor acts on the advice of the Executive Government.
12. Therefore the Premier is now the “Crown” in Queensland.
1. All government tiers, including Local Council are now inside the Parliament of the State of QLD.
2. The public officials are not public officials of “the Crown” but public officials of “the State” of QLD
1. The British colonies in Australia were all independent, under military law.
2. In 1885, the independent states had interstate agreements for trade, etc under the Federal Councils of Australasia Act 1855.
3. As free settlers began to grow, the People decided to unite under 1 form of government.
4. 10 years of conventions and referendums culminated in the Draft Constitution of the People which went to England for ratification.
5. On July 9 1900, Queen Victoria signed the amended draft Constitution and returned it to Australia.
6. At this point a final referendum was required to acquire the agreement of the people to this amended Constitution.
7. This was not done, the heads of each independent colony instead agreed FOR AND ON BEHALF of the People.
8. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) was the result, brought into Australian law on 1 January 1901.
9. The first 8 clauses are British law.
10. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution starts at clause 9.
11. The Constitution lays out the rules and regulations under which Parliament may administer government to the People.
12. There are no entities known as a Prime Minister or a Premier to be found in the Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia 1900 (UK).
13. As the Preamble states, the People agreed to be united under one indissoluble Commonwealth.
14. Therefore the people are the Commonwealth.
15. The Commonwealth is defined in the Constitution as a State.
16. Therefore the People of the Commonwealth are their “own” state.
17. Section 117 states, verbatim, that the People governed by the Queen (of the Constitution), and members of a state (of the Commonwealth), cannot have their rights removed by another state (that perhaps being the state they physically live in), WITHOUT
18. Section 128 – A REFERENDUM
19. There has been no Referendum of the Sovereign People to approve any of these moves. This means they are Ultra vires, an act beyond the powers or authority of the government.
It appears that the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (UK) 1900, ratified on 1 January 1901 is an act of the heads of the independent colonies of the Australian dominion, which means that the Constitution of the People is still a draft document.
As the people had formally agreed to this document, all state and federal government in Australia are in fact, a foreign entity to the rights of the people of the Commonwealth.
As our land ownership is a Deed in Trust and Equity with the Queen of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (UK) 1900, a foreign government has no lawful right to step inside that Deed and remove rights inherent in it.
In order to do so, government have created registration processes that manipulate our agreement. They have also created a new jurisdiction known as the Environment, with which they have enslaved the People as a plural, thereby creating legislation which enforces the People as an individual.
However, they have not asked our permission to create the form of government under which they now legislate OVER the People.
Governor in Council, People of the Commonwealth, premier, Prime Minister, QLD Constitution 1867, QLD Constitution 2001, Queen Victoria, referendum, sovereign people
Russia is being blamed for an unprecedented hacking operation into the Victoria's Court system which could expose sensitive information such as the identity of "high profile" paedophiles hiding behind suppression and non publication orders.
Is Russia winning the hearts and minds of truth seekers around the world?
Rampant #VoterFraud Ahead of Election Day '24
"Voter Fraud" is as old as voting itself, and "#VotingMachines" have been designed to "Make Fraud Easier."
#GaryBerntsen :
Veteran US Air Force and Former CIA Officer
"After witnessing election irregularities associated with the 2020 US Presidential Election, we decided to direct time and resources to #CartelDelSol links to US and #GlobalElectionFraud. It is indisputable.
#Smartmatic Election Systems was created at the direction of now deceased #Venezuelan dictator #HugoChavez and its source code, the basis of its operating system, developed jointly by Venezuela's #Consejo National Electoral and Smartmatic, was designed to allow Election Results to be altered without the knowledge of voters and the public."
#Colorado Secretary of State #JennaGriswold Leaking the Password of the State's Voting Systems, after she was caught, she Refused Resign.
"#VotingMachineFraud is Old News. The New #ElectionFraud Tool is #NonCitizenVoters."
While Supreme Court decided to allow Virginia to Remove Non Citizens from #VoterRolls, the poll workers are being instructed to submit a Special Form [A #ProvisionalBallot] for THEM to Vote, which will tie results up for another week after Election Day.
"Within November 5th to 12pm of November 12th, they have to present the Proper Identification to Prove that they're US Citizen."
Source: https://t.me/EarthJusticeLeague/421
Human Image - The Fundamental Legal Fiction
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‘Would that be the same catastrophic global warming that climate huckster Al Gore predicted in 2008 would melt the polar ice caps by 2013? The same catastrophe we’ve been hearing about for half a century but never happens?’
Fred Pawle slams climate alarmists.
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Questo messaggio è indirizzato prima di tutto a quei credenti se pur avendo molti anni di esperienza comunitaria, non hanno mai realizzato quanto è importante per un vero cristiano essere rivestiti della potenza di Dio offerta e disponibile a tutti quelli che la desiderano e la chiedono con fede.
Se tu desideri avere più informazioni potrai contattarmi tramite posta elettronica sotto condivisa.
P.S. Purtroppo a causa di impegni può succedere che non posso rispondere subito. Ti prometto comunque che ti risponderò
Germany would have saved 600 billion euros if...
Germany had adhered to nuclear energy, it would have saved 600 billion euros and produced more electricity without CO₂ emissions.
The abandonment of nuclear energy, which was prepared by Merkel (CDU) and supported by all the old parties, has broken Germany's entire economy!
The ‘climate crisis’ hoax is the perfect excuse for destroying countries from within.
Source: https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/64300
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In this video, Elon Musk explains what analysts are getting wrong about Tesla (and Tesla stock).
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John and I talk with Garth Kennedy, who candidly shares his testimony with our listeners. It's a remarkable story, and it testifies of the real reason we make these YouTube messages.
Message to NATO: Don’t Poke the Russian Bear
Source: https://t.me/SputnikInt/71086
Nazi Klaus Schwab Is Failing To Fool Many of Todays Youth With His Communist Great Reset Cult Manife
Nazi Klaus Schwab is failing to fool many of todays youth with his communist Great Reset cult manifesto.
YouTuber Fixed Elon Musk Buggest Problem
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September 2023
30% of protesters detained in Tbilisi turn out to be foreigners.
"30% of people detained in Tbilisi, to our surprise, are citizens of other countries," said Mamuka Mdinaradze, executive secretary of Georgia's ruling party.
Just I suspected, these pro-EU rioters are probably globalist funded provocateurs!
Just look at the so-called "Syrian opposition": it includes militants and extremists from across the globe. It’s equally unsurprising that they share the same Western backers as the Georgian street protesters!
Source: https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/65112