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I Never Saw Cancer in Anyone Unvaccinated “Says a Doctor in 1936 and by Many Doctors Since

227 Views· 05 Sep 2022
145 Subscribers

⁣“ I never saw cancer in anyone unvaccinated “ says a Doctor in 1936 and by many Doctors since . I wonder if people knew the Rockefeller Foundation created vaccines as a population control measure and used vaccines as the way for their deadly cancer virus’s they had created in labs, injected into humans, knowing full well it may not kill them straight away, but 20-30-40 years later almost everyone will drop dead of cancer, but they will never link it to the vaccines ,and other poisons pushed upon the innocent and gullible. The Covid jab the most deadliest one ever invented is speeding the cycle up,and that’s why many die in a short time after the jab. But with their mass media propaganda they’ll will create names like SADs after creating names such as SIDs to cover up humans dropping dead for no known reason . The reason is known and is was always done deliberately.
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Derick 2 years ago

Sadly I held my young son sat on my knee while they stuck multiple time bombs inside his small body and it is my DUTY to now protect him from these criminals forever more, unfortunately my EX has had him stuck with this BS19 "repellant" which I call an "inducer" instead, but I am doing my best to save his precious life - he is almost 16 and still under her control. I am giving him something that EXPELLS this crap from the body, and no I cannot put it here, evil is watching EVERY platform!

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