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Supermarkets in Rome Forced to Turn off the Lights Due to the 500% Increase in the Cost of the Energ
Supermarkets in Rome forced to turn off the lights due to the 500% increase in the cost of the energy bill.
Many have also turned off food refrigerators and are firing staff.
ANR News’s Wayne Crouch Says It’s Time to Start Asking Questions and If, You Need a Lesson on What..
ANR News’s Wayne Crouch Says It’s Time to Start Asking Questions and If, You Need a Lesson on What to Ask Take a Listen to Catherine Cummings.
“ I never saw cancer in anyone unvaccinated “ says a Doctor in 1936 and by many Doctors since . I wonder if people knew the Rockefeller Foundation created vaccines as a population control measure and used vaccines as the way for their deadly cancer virus’s they had created in labs, injected into humans, knowing full well it may not kill them straight away, but 20-30-40 years later almost everyone will drop dead of cancer, but they will never link it to the vaccines ,and other poisons pushed upon the innocent and gullible. The Covid jab the most deadliest one ever invented is speeding the cycle up,and that’s why many die in a short time after the jab. But with their mass media propaganda they’ll will create names like SADs after creating names such as SIDs to cover up humans dropping dead for no known reason . The reason is known and is was always done deliberately.
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In this segment, we discuss Bible publishers and their motivations to change things. Also, we talk about punctuation changes and removal of thees and thous. We warn listeners of the 400th Anniversary Edition of The KJB (which is an altered text) and John talks about Garth Kennedy's testimony of deliverance from prostitution and the homosexual lifestyle and Garth's quest to find the true word of God.
In this discussion we talk about the Inquisitions that began with Saul of Tarsus, and how the office was passed from Caesarian Rome to Papal Rome. And, we talk about the various conspiracies to subvert the word of God, and we talk about the preservation of God's word through real Christians up through the ages. Other topics discussed: Alexandrian Manuscripts, Tischendorf, Adolf Hitler, Concordats, Ronald Reagan, Conspiracy, Hegelian Dialectic, gnosticism, RCC Catechism.
In this interview we touch on some previous topics and discuss the Jesuit Oath of Induction, The Apocrypha, Roman Catholic Dioceses and the true 1611 AKJ Bible that first came off the press in 1611 and was approved by the translation committee and by King James.
Exploring Antichrist from the early church to the present. What does scripture say, and what does history record? 1611 AKJB website:
How Western Medicine play a role in Hue-man destructiuon
Democrats (Fabian socialists)
Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
Channel 7 Under Siege, Sydney
Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton Outed By Whistle Blower.... When He Gave Morning Press..
Victorian Chief health officer Brett Sutton outed by whistle blower.... when he gave morning press releases during convid he made it up on fly had no health advisors.
The Climate Change Hoax Along With the Sustainability Goals Were Cleverly Created for the Purpose of
The climate change hoax along with the sustainability goals were cleverly created for the purpose of implementing Agenda 21.
With the excuse of ‘saving the planet’ they are expropriating the land for themselves and pushing people out of their self-sufficient farming lifestyles so that we all end up in monstrous smart cities owning nothing, being surveyed 24/7 and eating bugs.
The globalists are pushing for civil war in the United States. They have continuously referred to anyone who disagrees with their narrative as “extremists”, “fascists”, “white supremacists”… the list goes on.
Trump is Foolishly Sticking by his Vaccine Push. The Democrats are Going to Set Him up to Take the F
Trump is foolishly sticking by his vaccine push. The Democrats are going to set him up to take the fall.
As much as Trump opposed the Globalists, it appears his ignorance in regard to the deadly vaccines and his ego will see him fall. The tide is turning against the vaccine’s and if he can’t see that, and it was a complete failure (or as we know done deliberately, then he will be left looking like a schmuck, that some claim he is) It’s a trap, and he has fallen right into it. Manipulated by those in his ear.
How much of a bad influence is Jarad Kushner?
He is the problem in the Trump camp in my opinion and manipulated by the Rothschilds who are part of Globalists enemy. They always do anything to infiltrate both sides of politics, and it appears they have set Trump up.
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Alex Jones Claims Trump and His Team Reached Out to Him After Jones’ Ultimatum Was Set. Trump is Pro
BREAKING: Alex Jones claims Trump and his team reached out to him after Jones’ ultimatum was set. Trump is proud of the shot, doesn’t want to hear anything more about it from anybody, says it’s ‘95% effective’ and that he’s ‘the vaccine man’. (2 minutes, 18 seconds).
AJ claims Trump took $1M from Pfizer, I'm not sure if I can believe his claims without proof and source of this information.
Ukraine is or was the Rothschilds (Kharzarian Mafia Strong Hold) and the Rothschilds Killed the Russ
Ukraine is or was the Rothschilds (Kharzarian Mafia strong hold) and the Rothschilds killed the Russians Tsars and brought in Communism via their stooge Karl Marx. They are out to try and destroy Putin, but Putin has spent decades building up the Russian Military for this day to eliminate them once and for all. Remember, the Rothschilds are fake Jews and fund the neo-Nazis in Ukraine as they did in WW2 and have no care for the Jews or anyone. The world should not tolerate any of them any longer. Eliminate them, or they’ll cause more famines, more wars and more recessions and depressions for their own evil agenda. And no it’s not a conspiracy theory - the Rothschilds have existed for a long time and still do.
Tucker Carlson: Does this make you nervous?
Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
Ivermectin: The Truth
Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... -
Because it upsets the natural order & balance of society. The sane majority become unsettled as they are labelled intolerant & fascist for disagreeing with policies which work against them.
Now the majority become the enemy of the self-proclaimed righteousness of the State - and enemies of the State require tougher measures to control them. Conform or become a target of State penalties & censorship.
If this doesn’t work, prison camps [FEMA] are put into operation for reeducation / extermination. The numerous US FEMA camps are there for a reason.
We should never forget just how bad things would become should this Communist coup continue unchecked.