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Well Said Candace!
25 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Well said Candace! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

‘Are You Poor?’: Moscow Blasts Poland for Giving Russian Diplomatic Property to ‘Ukrainian Friends’
24 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Russian FM spokesperson Maria Zakharova has ridiculed the Polish authorities’ decision to pass Moscow’s diplomatic property to Ukraine.

“It is a blatant violation of international law,” Zakharova said, adding, “Are you so poor you start robbing other people?”

Speaking at the Digital International Relations 2022 Conference, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov Criticized
24 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Speaking at the Digital International Relations 2022 conference, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov criticized the West’s determination to silence Russian media amid ongoing hostilities in Ukraine

Now – Elon Musk Says Free Speech Is When “Someone You Don’t Like Is Allowed To Say Something You Don
33 Views · 3 years ago

⁣NOW - Elon Musk says free speech is when "someone you don't like is allowed to say something you don't like."

7 Views · 3 years ago

GFX up the beach

Watch The Water -part 2
657 Views · 3 years ago

⁣What I Think of the Bryan Ardis Video, “Watch the Water”

⁣By Steve Kirsch
The video is out. I’ve seen it. A few parts I agree with. For most other parts I’m skeptical. I’ve invited Bryan to meet with my colleagues so we can ask questions.
In this article, I give my overall reaction and then specifically respond to some of the key points in the video.
Some parts I agree with. Most parts I remain unconvinced.
We agree there is evidence that the virus is similar to snake venom.
But as for the other assertions (such as it’s a poison spread through the water), I’m not buying it.
I’ve scheduled a recorded discussion between Bryan and my experts to see if we can form a consensus. That call happens on Thursday April 14 (tomorrow). I’ll post the video.
I’ll update this article as I learn more.
Here are my impressions at the moment.

Lisa Johnson Interviews Jamie Mcintrye On The Covid Fraud And The Anti-russian Propaganda; Should Au
80 Views · 3 years ago

⁣McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 113 -1/2

Lisa Johnson Interviews Jamie Mcintrye On The Covid Fraud And The Anti-russian Propaganda;
Should Australia Split Into Two, Forming A Breakaway Nation?

NSW Health Official talks about Stats.
1 Views · 3 years ago

NSW Health Official reading Data on Cases. Australia. Share Everywhere!!

More Information and Live Streams at:

Interview With ANR’s Western Australian Correspondent Mark Rowley Re Dictator Mark Mcgowan And Gover
62 Views · 3 years ago

⁣McIntyre Report Political Talk Show Episode 111
Interview With ANR’s Western Australian Correspondent Mark Rowley Re Dictator Mark Mcgowan And Government Propaganda Over The Russia Ukrainian Conflict

Full documentary: “Watch the Water” -part1
354 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Full documentary: “Watch the Water”
By Stew Peters Show

⁣The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

Geoengineering/Cloud Seeding
1 Views · 3 years ago

Explanation on Cloud Seeding and the impacts it has on the Environment and Health.

See the Rain-Making Control Act 1967 in Victoria Australia-

More Information and Live Streams at:

The truth about the Australian Government and Mainstream Media
3 Views · 3 years ago

Truth about real propaganda, censorship and corrpution by the Australian Government and Mainstream Media Organisations.

More Information and Live Streams at:

Australian Defence Force Language Teacher attack Peaceful Public Assembly.
1 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Australian Defence Force Language Teacher attack Peaceful Public Assembly at the ABC in Canberra, as the Assembly Arrives.

Australian National Review
9 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Australian National Review

NSW and Federal Police Harrass Peaceful Public Assembly 29/3/2022
2 Views · 3 years ago

Police harrass Peaceful Public Assembly at a Routine Drug and Alcohol Screen on Tuesday the 29th of March, 2022

⁣More Information and Live Streams at:

ANR Founder Says “It’s The Sheer Ignorance Of Those Who Fall For Mainstream Media
40 Views · 3 years ago

ANR Founder says “it’s the sheer ignorance of those who fall for mainstream media deception, that are the cause of the world’s problems – anyone falling for the smear campaign against Russia over the Buscha massacre is effectively aiding the Globalists deadly agenda, and anyone that considers mainstream media is telling the truth about anything is severely misled – there are zero excuses to be ignorant in today’s world, where the fake news is now so obvious.”

Saturday Public Assembly 26/3/2022
2 Views · 3 years ago

Peaceful Public Assembly on Parliament Lawn on 26/3/2022.

⁣More Information and Live Streams at:

The Countries Supporting The Nazi Rouge State Of Ukraine
18 Views · 3 years ago

⁣The countries supporting the Nazi Rouge state of Ukraine, who refuse Independent investigations into the Buscha Massacre, and others, refuse for one reason only – they are guilty – guilty of the atrocities committed to frame Russia, and guilty of supporting and aiding a known illegal Nazi Regime in Ukraine, that doesn’t care for life. The Globalists and our taxpayer money is being used to arm these murderous Nazis, to continue the killing of innocent Ukrainians and Russian soldiers sent to protect Ukrainians and help defend against the Nazis -Stand with Nazis they demand of us in the West, by saying stand with Ukraine.Why?Tell me one good reason why we should stand with a Nazi rouge State run by the Globalists desperate to avoid their fate.To hell with the Great Reset and the Nazi Regime the Globalists are backing -Only the deeply misled and fooled offer any support or sympathy for such murderers.Stand for humanity.

Arnie Gets Fact Checked Over His Anti Russian Paid For Propaganda
21 Views · 3 years ago

⁣Arnie gets fact checked over his anti Russian paid for propaganda, is there a single thing that isn’t fake news coming from the West over Russia – Ukraine – so called Russian Propaganda seems small in comparison, plus westerners mostly only see their news, especially as RT is banned in most western countries, – so how is it they could be subject to so called Russian propaganda? – we live in a world of fake news, fake money, fake science, fake pandemics and fake vaccines. Many fake people are so desperate to impress their fake friends, by posting “ I stand with Ukraine or I took a booster so should you “.

When a man is allowed to pretend to be a woman, and win a woman’s swimming competition, surely more “actual women“should be outraged, and object, but now that isn’t allowed – and racist President Joe Biden wants to select a black woman as Supreme Court Justice not because she may be qualified but because of her skin colour or is it because she a protector of paedophiles?

What’s The Future Of Crypto
22 Views · 3 years ago

⁣What’s the future of crypto and can it help build a better world and remove the power of the central bankers from controlling the world and printing endless amounts of money – Plus Facebooks is in trouble, as it continues to suffer large share price drops, and is losing users in droves to alternate social media platforms – Rumble is valued at $3b alone & Trumps Social Media company at $10b-& how to buy crypto easily,& access them at large discounts, before they list on Exchanges – our current sponsor Truthcoin is launching its Pre ICO – support them as they are large supporters of independent media & alternate social media including
Truthcoin’s Pre ICO Round 1 is now open at just $0.02 cents, only 10% of its set listing price of $0.20 cents USD on crypto exchanges in late May 2022.
To qualify one must donate a minimum of $1000 USD, up to a maximum of $25,000 USD per person or entity, Round 2 at $0.04 cents and Round 3 is slated for $0.08 cents.

Showing 324 out of 325