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WATCH: Google Shows What Appear to be Mass Graves on Epstein Island
ANR Founder says, “that the Globalist's power comes from mainstream media they own and control.
Therefore the solution comes from the freedom movement funding, and growing Independent Media, with real journalists, in the form of citizen Journalist’s, not paid to push corporate or Globalists agendas, but to report the truth.
He asks for help to fund the Australian National Review, a not for profit new company, and Independent Media in general.
Even $5 a month can help plus by joining censor free social media in Truthbook.social www.truthbook.social
McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 131
Gates, Fauci And The Deep State, Sinking In A Cess Pool Of Lies And Deceit
YouTube permanently deletes a Prank interview with Former Us President GEORGE BUSH JNR, but censor free Alternative to You Tube, Truthtube.video runs it and refuses to delete it.
The former Us President,George Bush Jr is gets embarrassingly pranked ☎
CALLED BY VOVAN & LEXIS, Famous Russian Pranksters.
George Bush thinks he is talking to Puppet Ukrainian President Zelensky, and foolishly divulges so many truths.
He says to Zelensky “ one of your roles is to kill as many Russian troops as you can “ and suggested that military victory over Russia would see many of Ukraine’s issues “ go off the table “. He also confirmed the existence of the pentagon funded bio-labs across Ukraine.
YouTube has deleted their entries account, but thanks to YouTube alternatives such as TruthTube.video it’s still running
Powerful words here from QLD independent senate candidate Steve Dickson who is adamant the election was “a total fraud.”
Do you agree or not?
Meet Them All Freedom Rally With Special Guest M.c Jamie Mcintyre Chief Editor Of Australian Nationa
Meet Them All Freedom Rally With Special Guest M.c Jamie Mcintyre Chief Editor Of Australian National Review Hour Number 2 On 14th Of May 2022
Meet Them All Freedom Rally With Special Guest M.C Jamie Mcintyre Chief Editor Of Australian Nationa
Meet Them All Freedom Rally With Special Guest M.C Jamie Mcintyre Chief Editor Of Australian National Review Opening Speakers 14th Of May 2022
Jamie Interviews ANR And Independent Media Investigative Journalist Dustin Broadberry, From London R
McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 122
Jamie Interviews ANR And Independent Media Investigative Journalist Dustin Broadberry, From London Re How The Deep State Won The Internet And Use Social Media to Manipulate Users To Push Their Deadly And Globalist Agendas Part 2/2
RAW REPORT - Protecting Sacred Land - The Kabi People in Crisis
“Jamie Discusses Elon Musks Buyout Of Twitter, The Concept Of A Breakaway Republic Of Australia That
McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 120
“Jamie Discusses Elon Musks Buyout Of Twitter, The Concept Of A Breakaway Republic Of Australia That In An ANR Poll Said They Don’t Want Either Pm Morrison Or Albanese, The Myth Of Over-population Used By The Bill And Melinda Gates Institute Of Population Control Known Now As The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation After Public Outrage”
Lisa Johnston Interviews Jamie Mcintyre “who Puts Up $1 Million That More People Will Die Of Covid V
McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 119
Lisa Johnston Interviews Jamie Mcintyre “who Puts Up $1 Million That More People Will Die Of Covid Vaccines Then The Spanish Flu”, Anzacs Would Want Those Who Woke Up To Attend Anzac Day Celebrations To Actually “wake Up“ And See What’s Happening To Our Country And Stand Up Against The Enemy, And Jamie Let’s Loose On The Transgender And Pedophilia Issue Being Normalised And Pushed Upon Kids -part 2
Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion
ANR Founder shares his thoughts on whether this is a good or bad thing
What’s your thoughts ?
Official TGA figures now confirm 116k Adverse Reactions and counting , more side effects than ALL drugs combined since 1971..
Remember this is ONLY the beginning, it's an Ongoing Clinical trial....
The long term effects unknown
This is going to be biblical...
Buckle Up People....
Shifty Schiff family, intertwined by blood with the Rothschild Central Banking family
JP Morgan funded/built the Titanic
JP Morgan was booked on the voyage but canceled at the last second
Friend of JP Morgan, Milton Hersey, also canceled at the last moment and survived to build the Hersey food Empire
There were no red flares on board to signal to any boats for rescue. Only white flares that signal a party and that everything is okay.
Titanic was the first ship of its kind with the ability to seal decks electromagnetically which could also seal people below deck.
The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.
The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world & opposed the Federal Reserve.
John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend / financier of Nikola Tesla, was an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve.
ANR News With Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav About Where C
ANR News With Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav About Where Covid Tyranny is Heading Part 2/3
ANR News With Wayne Crouch And Lisa Johnston Speak With Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav About Where Covid Tyranny is Heading Part 1/3
What I Think of the Bryan Ardis Video, “Watch the Water”
By Steve Kirsch
The video is out. I’ve seen it. A few parts I agree with. For most other parts I’m skeptical. I’ve invited Bryan to meet with my colleagues so we can ask questions.
In this article, I give my overall reaction and then specifically respond to some of the key points in the video.
Some parts I agree with. Most parts I remain unconvinced.
We agree there is evidence that the virus is similar to snake venom.
But as for the other assertions (such as it’s a poison spread through the water), I’m not buying it.
I’ve scheduled a recorded discussion between Bryan and my experts to see if we can form a consensus. That call happens on Thursday April 14 (tomorrow). I’ll post the video.
I’ll update this article as I learn more.
Here are my impressions at the moment.
Full documentary: “Watch the Water”
By Stew Peters Show
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.