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Queensland Shootings Police Report Released
54 Views · 2 years ago


See Aussie_News post today + links to all background info on Wieambilla + Police Report released last night

Let me first state very, very clearly that I condemn and vehemently oppose ALL forms of violence.

And I do personally believe the Trains had become radicalised and dangerously aggrieved with the world as we know it.

But this is the first time in Australian history we have seen the message of Christ’s return now linked to “domestic terrorism.”

Australia has millions of Christians.
We are a nation built on Christian values and the message of Christ himself.

But now the msm wants to paint Christianity as a dangerous and radical cult?
New lows but once again,
not surprising at all.

I wonder how Christians within the police force feel about this new narrative?

Please be mindful of comments. Zero tolerance here for any aggro comments.

Not Pfizer or Moderna, But the US Government Pioneered mRNA Technology
442 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Not Pfizer or Moderna, but the US government pioneered mRNA technology. DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) began investing in gene-encoded vaccines in 2012.

In other words, the military came up with the idea of messenger RNA vaccines, not Pfizer or Moderna.

"This is a military program."

⁣The USD is imploding right before our eyes.What does this mean for the US and World.BRICS nations,
47 Views · 1 year ago

⁣⁣The USD is imploding right before our eyes.What does this mean for the US and World.BRICS nations, scramble to create alternative currencies to the USD.Paris riots against Blackrock.Trump Indictment-the US is no longer a democracy - Part 3

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL [MIRROR]
27 Views · 1 year ago



Proverbs 12:17: He AcademyOfIdeas speaks truth declares righteousness,
But a false witness, deceit

An artist we like PsychicEpidemics does custom, hand drawn designs on prints (and other items):



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READ CDC Director Rochelle Walensky To Step Down In June
14 Views · 1 year ago


Chicks On The Right
Natalie Argyle
May 2023


#Bills #Laws #Legislation #Regulations #LawMaking #Statutes #Policy #Mandates #Congress #US #Senate #House #POL #Politics #Democrats #Republicans #God #Covfefe #DrainTheSwamp #breadcrumbs #Keystone #Leapfrog #treasuremap #Truth #ReTruth

The Leo Frank Case: Chapter 8 Of 22 - Inside Story Of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery
Leo Frank
16 Views · 1 year ago

⁣A new Fulton County grand jury was sworn in Monday morning by Judge W.D. Ellis, underscoring the need for immediate and vigorous attention to the Mary Phagan case. Leo M. Frank was the first witness called to recount where he was and what he was doing on the day of the murder. The only other witnesses questioned that afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Emile Selig, where the Franks lived. Frank testified that he had previously lived in Brooklyn, New York, and that he left Brooklyn in October 1907, went abroad and returned to the United States, where he worked for the National Pencil Company, where he became Superintendent General. He described how he came to the factory as usual on Saturday morning and how business as usual continued until noon at the factory.

It was a public holiday and there were only 11 people in the factory, which made his job somewhat easier. An important detail in this document is that the stenographer, Dr. Hall, and the clerk, Alonzo Mann, left the building shortly after 12:00 when Frank began copying the order into the shipping request. When the murdered girl appeared and took the envelope, Mr. Frank handed it to her knowing that an employee would come for it. Frank admits he looked up Mary Phagan's phone number since the murder, but forgot it again. He didn't record the payment on his payslip or other records because he didn't need to.

The girl went and asked if the metal came. He said the Phagan child has not been operational since Monday due to metal supply shortages. There was $20 in the child's pay sack, part of which was from work the previous Friday and Saturday. He didn't know what her salary was because he didn't open her seal when she left. Hearing her footsteps fade into her corridor, he thoughtlessly went back to her work.

The document's most important detail is the events leading up to Mary Phagan's assassination. Witness Frank identified the girl by her number and did not fill in her payslip after handing over her envelope. He then made the startling remark that, five or ten minutes after Mary Phagan left, Leme Quinn, the head of the chip department, walked into his office and had a little chat with him. Frank then went to the fourth floor and found two boys who had worked in the factory, Harry Denham, Arthur White and Mrs. White. Then he went home and spent the rest of the afternoon at work.

He explained on his financial papers that Lee had arrived in the early afternoon and told him to come back.
After Negro returned, Gant came to pick up the shoes. Then he went home and called Lee at the factory. Then he went to bed at eleven o'clock. And he continued to talk about what happened the following Sunday. When investigators ordered him to interrogate the black man and extract a confession, Frank said he told security he knew you knew something.

⁣Frank testified that he was unruffled by the grilling and bombardment of questions he had received. Emile Salig and his wife, Mrs. Josephine Salig, followed Frank on the witness stand. The inquest adjourned until 930 Thursday morning. Six witnesses testified, including Boots Rogers, Lemmie Quinn, Miss Corinthia Hall, Miss Hattie Hall, and J. L. Watkins and Miss Daisy Jones.

Boots Rogers testified that Mr. Frank had changed the tape in the time clock while the officers were in the factory Sunday morning after the body of Mary Phagan had been found, and that he stated at the time as the sheet he took from the clock seemed to be correct. J. L. Watkins and Miss Daisy Jones put through a searching examination by the coroner in an effort to break down Frank's statement that he had visited the factory on the day of the tragedy. The most important details in this text are that Miss Corinthia Hall, an employee in the factory, testified that Mr. Frank's treatment of the girls in the factory was unimpeachable and that she had met Lemme Quinn at a restaurant near the factory near the noon hour Saturday. J. L. Wattkins testified that he had mistaken Miss Daisy Jones for Mary Phagan when he thought he saw her on the street near her home on Saturday afternoon at about 5:00 p.m Eastern Standard Time.

Detective Harry Scott of the Pinkerton Agency was one of the first witnesses called, and he testified that Herbert Haas, one of Frank's attorneys, had requested him to withhold all evidence from the police until Haas himself had considered it. Detective John Black followed Scott on the stand and told of finding a bloody shirt at Lee's home on the Tuesday afternoon following the murder. Newt Lee was recalled to the stand and said that when he and Frank conversed together at the police station that Frank told him if you keep that up, your story, Newt will both go to hell. Frank was recalled to the stand and testified in The most important details in this text are the character witnesses who testified in the Phagan case. Miss Nellie Wood of Eight Corporate Street and Mrs. C. D. Donaghan of 165 West 14th Street testified that Frank had come to her and put his hands on her when it was not called for, that he was too familiar and she didn't like it, and that Frank had tried to pass it off as a joke.

Coroner Donohue began to deliver his charge to the jury, saying that they had heard the statement of the county physicians, seen what caused death, seen the body and heard the evidence in the case. The coroner's jury in the case of Mary Phagan's death was tasked with investigating the cause of death and determining who is guilty of the murder. The jury was also responsible for holding witnesses who were essential in trying the case, and for committing anyone who was concealing information. The six men forming the jury filed one by one out of the door, and the crowd waited for 20 minutes before the foreman stood up and announced the verdict. The coroner's jury had a duty to inquire diligently as to how Mary Phagan came to her death and to determine at whose hands death came.

The coroner's jury ruled that Mary Phagan had been strangled and recommended that pencil factory manager Leo M. Frank and her night watchman Newt Lee be detained for a grand jury autopsy. Frank was reading the afternoon newspaper in Tower Hall when the news broke. He declined to comment further, but Newt Lee was clearly shocked when the news broke. When the news came in, he looked defeated and very depressed.

Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Called the Death of Russians the "Best Money We've
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣NEW - Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham called the death of Russians the "best money we've ever spent" during a meeting with Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Jordan Peterson On How To Discipline Yourself | BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Jordan Peterson On How To Discipline Yourself | BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH

Hunter Filed a Tax Teturn in 2018 That Included Tax Deductions For Prostitutes and Sex Clubs!
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Hunter filed a tax return in 2018 that included tax deductions for prostitutes and sex clubs!

Conferenza Renhard Bonnke Terza parte
10 Views · 1 year ago

Questo video è consigliato a tutta la cristianità desiderosa chè il fuoco della pentecoste possa continuare a bruciare nel proprio cuore.Buona Visione

Yuval Noah Harari on The Future of Humanity [MIRROR]
24 Views · 1 year ago


November 2021


#nanotechnology #AI #nanobots #Transhumanism #Harari

20 Views · 1 year ago

In questo video mediterò sulla lettera dell'apostolo Giacomo 1:2-8. Tutta la meditazione sarà accompagnata dalla mia testimonianza su una circostanza avversa che ha avuto inizio il 23.07.2022. Spero che questo video possa esserti di incoraggiamento se stai vivendo una prova nella tua vita. Ti incoraggio a condividere con altri tuoi amici la soluzione che è nella parola di Dio.
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Dr. Peter McCullough Breaks Down How the COVID Vaccines Injure and Kill
29 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Dr. Peter McCullough Breaks Down How the COVID Vaccines Injure and Kill

Cardiovascular Disease
• "We've seen cardiac arrest now two years after these shots."
• Myocarditis (heart inflammation) • Acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease • Heart attacks • Posterior orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) • Aortic dissection • Atrial fibrillation • Cardiac arrest in the absence of myocarditis

Neurologic Disease
• Stroke (both ischemic and hemorrhagic) • Guillain–Barré syndrome (can cause ascending paralysis leading to death) • Small fiber neuropathy (numbness and tingling)

Blood Clots
• "The spike protein is the most thrombogenic protein we've ever seen in human medicine."
• Unusually large and resistant blood clots
• Blood clots that are not dissolving with conventional treatments

Immunologic Abnormalities
• Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia • Multisystem inflammatory disorder

Syracuse city of art. Neapolis archaeological park.
13 Views · 10 months ago

⁣La mia passeggiata di oggi è nell'immensa bellezza del parco archeologico della Neapolis a Siracusa.
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Tucker’s Trailer for His Documentary ‘Let Tem Eat Bugs
15 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Tucker’s trailer for his documentary ‘Let Tem Eat Bugs

Australian National Review

Deaths Before and After Vaccination
34 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Deaths before and after vaccination.

I rest my case.

Australian National Review Opt in for independent news free.

Nadia Secondi
20 Views · 10 months ago


Australian Jewish Association Blasts Local ABC for ‘Promoting Antisemitism’
21 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Australian Jewish Association blasts local ABC for ‘promoting antisemitism.’

The AJA has taken issue with a story the government-funded outlet published on TikTok about one store adhering to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) policy. This pro-Palestine movement calls for cutting business ties with Israel-linked businesses.

“These boycotts have a long and ugly history and eventually saw goons standing outside Jewish shops across Germany,” the group wrote. “Who in ABC approved this divisive hate? They need to be out of a job tomorrow.”

Who Would Support Bill Gates for Being Jailed for Being a Liar and COVID Fraudster?
14 Views · 8 months ago

⁣Jamie McIntyre:
Who would support Bill Gates for being jailed for being a liar and COVID fraudster ?
Why is our PM meeting him and welcoming him to Australia?
Senator Gerard Rennick:
Why would we believe anything the experts say?
Seriously after the lies told to us about how effective the jabs were going to be in stopping transmission and infection why would we believe that the jump in heart disorders is anything other than the jab.
An article in yesterday's paper is still completely ignoring the role of the vaccine in causing heart injuries.
And I quote:
“Queenslanders are flooding GPs practices with heart problems sparked by long Covid, the state's peak medical body has revealed.
Doctors are seeing more patients with myocarditis and pericarditis due to inflammation caused by the virus that can cause palpitations chest pain or shortness of breath.
"We are now seeing the impact of long Covid which makes it clear that Queenslanders should be more aware of taking precautions.
Prolonged symptoms can be very severe in some people," Australian Medical Association Queensland president Maria Boulton told The Courier-Mail.
"Of course healthcare workers would love to stop thinking about Covid and move on but long Covid can't be swept under the carpet," she said.
GP Bruce Willett and spokesman for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners said that he has seen an increase in people with heart palpitations, extreme fatigue and debilitating brain fog at his practice.”

Showing 32 out of 85