أهم مقاطع الفيديو
Died Suddenly Doco trailer goes viral with over 4 million views
What a fiasco.
What’s he been arrested for???
“ I never saw cancer in anyone unvaccinated “ says a Doctor in 1936 and by many Doctors since . I wonder if people knew the Rockefeller Foundation created vaccines as a population control measure and used vaccines as the way for their deadly cancer virus’s they had created in labs, injected into humans, knowing full well it may not kill them straight away, but 20-30-40 years later almost everyone will drop dead of cancer, but they will never link it to the vaccines ,and other poisons pushed upon the innocent and gullible. The Covid jab the most deadliest one ever invented is speeding the cycle up,and that’s why many die in a short time after the jab. But with their mass media propaganda they’ll will create names like SADs after creating names such as SIDs to cover up humans dropping dead for no known reason . The reason is known and is was always done deliberately.
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Some people still believe that The Great Reset is not a real agenda, even though Klaus Schwab wrote a book about it, Time magazine covered it, and a website about it.
Let me tell you something, THIS IS NOT AN AGENDA; THIS IS A REAL PLAN THAT HAS ALREADY BEGUN. The COVID-19 (plan)demic a few years ago was the start of this plan. If we allow their plan to continue, it will be realized by 2030.
If The Great Reset happens, all of humanity will be enslaved in the future.
GEF Telegram:
GEF Rumble page:
Source: https://x.com/_globaleconomic/....status/1896711255018
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman provides a PERFECT summary of the climate scam, in under two minutes:
"The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous... The idea that [it's] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous."
"But from a totalitarian perspective, if you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there's no human activity that doesn't result in CO2 emissions, including living, including dying, turning on a light switch."
"Every single aspect of your life, then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, then comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution."
Source: https://x.com/wideawake_media/....status/1820060945940
World Premiere: Died Suddenly
This Is The UKs Most Esteemed Cardiologist Who Was Originally Pro Vaccine. He Is Now Speaking Out Ag
This is the UKs most esteemed cardiologist who was originally pro vaccine. He is now speaking out against the vaccines because they are causing harm. Probably the best video you will watch.
SHOCKING video evidence of Joe Biden's son Hunter taking cocaine and abusing underage girls.
This footage has now been exposed to Russian mainstream media.
Why doesn't the Western media publish the truth about Joe Biden's paedophile son?
Libertarian MP John Ruddick will introduce legislation next week repealing the hate speech laws.
“We now know it was a criminal con job that whipped up the hysteria. Laws are not made well in that environment. We need to soberly assess things. Is NSW happy with the idea that a wacky criminal conspiracy has now eroded our free speech principles?”
This is what needs to happen. You cannot bring in sweeping laws to punish all Australians for an admitted hoax.
Despite Sharri Markson, Sky News and the Liberals fighting to keep this insane, totalitarian law, we have some good MP’s like John Ruddick.
Source: https://t.me/zeeemedia/20020
Israel Stirs up Anti Semitism in Australia, With Their Paid for Anti Semitic Attacks by Israel Funde
Israel Stirs up Anti Semitism in Australia, With Their Paid for Anti Semitic Attacks by Israel Funded Agitators, With the Same Pattern as Globally Where They Bomb or Light Fires in Jewish Synagogues
So Israel stirs up anti semitism in Australia, with their paid for anti semitic attacks by Israel funded agitators, with the same pattern as Globally where they bomb or light fires in Jewish synagogues, ( think Toronto Synagogue , where Jewish were caught doing it),to force racist unjust laws upon Australians, which are nothing but censorship and anti free speech laws to silence 99.6% of Australians. Designed to supposedly protect 0.4% Australians being the Jewish, who the only protection they need is against the dangerous Israeli regime manipulating events to achieve their dodgy political objectives.
And they are designed to stop legitimate criticism of a certain geno.. and modern day ho… in Gaza, but continue to brainwash dumbed down Australians about a fabricated and exaggerated, invented one from 80 years ago to deflect and deny real holocausts they did where in one alone they murdered 30-60 million Christians.
This is how the took over Russia in the Boshelvelik Revolution by the way.
Is history repeating itself because we don’t know history ?
Why don’t we have laws to protect 99.4% of Australians against the radicalisation of everyday people to cheer on the death cult of Israel, with their tv networks including even on the right with SkyJews ,as they murder their way around the Middle East,nation after nation, using their proxy terror armies in ISIS, Hamas and Al Queda?
You do realise they plan to unleash their Islamic terror groups in the west,including Australia eventually, bringing terror to your door, and such violence Gazan’s and the Middle East suffer daily from this death cult, so you beg for it to stop, and then beg for their planned One World Government to be run out of Jerusalem, as they’ll blame nationalist Governments and leaders, and nationalism as the problem.Thus a One World Government is surely the solution ( which we’ll run and control).
Why do you think your country has been flooded by excess immigrants, who do you think has been doing this behind Australia’s back, to plant the seeds of disunity, to divide to conquer, to overcrowd , to ramp up inflation to a coming economic crash, and to stir up hatred and civil tensions.
Israel doesn’t give a f.. about local Jewish populations either:
They’ll commit attacks against Jewish, make the local Jewish feel unsafe to help achieve Israel’s political objectives.Just look how badly they treat the Jewish in Israel that speak up about the Israel regime.
In the Federal Election in Australia in May ensure you vote for Israel right - be a good little slave and supporter of the death cult.
Labour - Israel
Liberal - Israel
Greens - Israel
One Nation - Israel
Smaller parties are already mostly infiltrated by Israel
Senator Rennick - a vote for Australians not Israel.
Choose who you vote for wisely.
We stand for Australians to be led by Australians for Australia. Fake news media is owned by your enemy . They will lie and deceive you.
As we think having a death cult as our overlords,ruled by fake Jewish imposters, better known as the wanker banker family ,that starts with an R,who founded Israel in 1948, with a group of known terrorist groups, by terrorising Palestine, is possibly not a good idea, nor are they Gods Chosen one’s,( when we bothered to fact check), nor is it biblical Israel, but a manufactured satanic fraudulent nation created by imposters.
Stand up Australia, wake up in time, or become goyim, ruled by a bunch of cowardly wankers. And the Jewish Australians need to unite against your wannabe overlords to.
Source: https://x.com/jamiemcintyre21/....status/1900719613207
ASIO exposing foreign actors hiring criminals in Australian carry out anti semetic attacks - ( Israe
ASIO exposing foreign actors hiring criminals in Australian carry out anti semetic attacks - ( Israel ?)
Putin Finds Mass Graves of children from Sex Trafficking in Ukraine in April 2022
RFK Jr on BlackRock: What They are Doing in the USA and the Ukraine?
Listen to this Australian woman refusing to submit to a corporate court acting for a corporation masquerading as government.
It's simple. Governments and their bureaucracies are corporations. If you refuse to contract with them, they have no jurisdiction over you in common law matters. They might as well be McDonald's trying to force you to buy their hamburgers. Just say, no thank you.
Listen to the repeated dishonest attempts to get her to consent to be subservient to the court. She repeatedly refuses.
Jamie covers how to make 50-80% capital growth with Bali Property and 20-30% net rental yields ongoi
Jamie covers how to make 50-80% capital growth with Bali Property and 20-30% net rental yields ongoing
Trump Zelensky heated discussion and did Zelensky call JD Vance a “ bitch” - Part 1
If the West is the Side of Good, How Do We Ignore or Deny the Holocausts Committed by the West?
Source: https://x.com/ANRHeadlines/sta....tus/1897587139753157
Measles outbreak?
What a f… joke.
Are we really supposed to be scared of measles now?
Thirty years ago, a measles outbreak wouldn’t have even made it into your local school newsletter, let alone the town newspaper, a city newspaper, or - like today - national and international headlines.
Has measles somehow become more deadly in the last 30 years?
The only thing that has changed is that in 1986, the vaccine industry - unable to provide reliable immunity with its products safely - was granted immunity from liability, even if their vaccines kill you or your loved ones.
Only the most easily manipulated would take a vaccine.
Those who blindly believe in government narratives and fake news media conspiracy theories are the only ones who would trust this fraudulent industry’s products.
If vaccines were truly safe, effective, and necessary, they would confer immunity - not demand immunity for harming or killing you or your loved ones.
In 2016, I offered a $1 million challenge for anyone to independently prove that a single vaccine on the market has been properly safety tested and is effective, safe, and necessary. RFK Jr. also put up $100,000 for the same challenge.
Source: https://x.com/ANRHeadlines/sta....tus/1897674225818726
When Zelensky said 31,000 dead he was talking about just this ONE Cemetery.