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Hunter Filed a Tax Teturn in 2018 That Included Tax Deductions For Prostitutes and Sex Clubs!
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Hunter filed a tax return in 2018 that included tax deductions for prostitutes and sex clubs!

Conferenza Renhard Bonnke Terza parte
10 Views · 1 year ago

Questo video è consigliato a tutta la cristianità desiderosa chè il fuoco della pentecoste possa continuare a bruciare nel proprio cuore.Buona Visione

Yuval Noah Harari on The Future of Humanity [MIRROR]
24 Views · 1 year ago


November 2021


#nanotechnology #AI #nanobots #Transhumanism #Harari

20 Views · 1 year ago

In questo video mediterò sulla lettera dell'apostolo Giacomo 1:2-8. Tutta la meditazione sarà accompagnata dalla mia testimonianza su una circostanza avversa che ha avuto inizio il 23.07.2022. Spero che questo video possa esserti di incoraggiamento se stai vivendo una prova nella tua vita. Ti incoraggio a condividere con altri tuoi amici la soluzione che è nella parola di Dio.
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Many Indigenous Australians Don’t Want the Voice. But Pfizer and One World Corporation in Blackrock
52 Views · 12 months ago

⁣Many Indigenous Australians don’t want the Voice.
But Pfizer and One World Corporation in Blackrock and Vanguard do ?

Should you vote “ Yes” to the Globalists One World Corporation take over of Australia or perhaps tell them “ Yeah Nah”?

The Australian National Review has offered a $1 million challenge for any “ Yes” campaigner to make a honest and credible argument of why Australians should vote “Yes” to a referendum that refuses to provide the details beforehand of what it will mean for Australia. And why should we trust the same woke corporates and Governments, that forced deadly vaccines upon innocent Australians, for profit and (over a known falsified pandemic) and a vaccine that’s been killing one excess Australian every 15-30 minutes ever since the forced injections occurred ( take the vaccines or lose your job is forced ) ?
#no #yes #Australia #yescampaign

Australian National Review

Conflitto Palestina Israele sotto il profilo spirituale 2 Parte
23 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Quello che voglio mettere in evidenza il fatto
del conflitto palestina Israele non è solo di carattere socio politico ma

08 Chapter IV Mother Hears of Murder - Leo Frank Case 1913
Leo Frank
22 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Memorial Day was dark, foggy and overcast, and eyewitnesses spoke of Mary's actions on the last Saturday of her life. I was on vacation. For a few weeks, he was the first to have a small plant girl who worked hard for the sun. After dinner, he went to the city and was twenty to the plant, and then saw the rest of the days with the Pahstré street. At noon he ate a quick meal of cabbage and crackers and left the house, never to be seen again.

At noon he arrived in the city by tram. In the car was George Epps, a freckled, sharp-eyed newsman. He lived close to Mary and was always her favorite. Before parting, Mary arranged to meet her little friend at 1 a.m. and sit with them in the car while the boys walked down the gray road to Marietta and Forsyth streets, a short distance from the factory. George Epps reported that Mary got out of her car and drove down Forsyth Street, claiming she was on her way to the factory. At 12:30 p.m., the vehicle was scheduled to arrive at the intersection of Wider Marietta Street, one block from its previous location. me. When Mary failed to meet George Epps as promised, George Epps rushed to the Fagan home later that evening to find out why. Mary never came home to find her mother upset.

Ms Coleman, J.W. Mary's foster father, Coleman, went into town to see if he could find Mary where she and her friends went to the Bijou Theatre. Maryam's mother said to her husband, "Can't you find him there?" -He said. After he left. Arriving at the Bijou, Mr. Coleman waited for the performance to end and watched the people leave, but he never saw the young lady he was looking for.

When he returned home to 146 Lindsey St., he comforted his grieving mother, suggesting that Mary could visit her grandmother in Marietta. According to Ms. Coleman, she started doing this all the time. She probably just took her paycheck and decided to leave.

On Saturday, my mother was heartbroken, but she was able to calm all her outward fears. But all night she wondered where her little girl was. On Sunday morning, April 27, there was a call to the Fagan residence. The news of Maryam arrived at the doorstep and her mother's heart was known to her. The pale girl stood by the door with sad eyes, trying to say the terrible things she wanted to say. There was a neighbor named Helen Ferguson.

She started out as Mary. Mother Heart told the story. But she died.

Crying, she undressed all the way down. Yes, dead. Far away.

The girl cried and cried a lot. Other members of the house rushed to the door. Mom passed out and was resting on the couch at home. She lay there for days, unable to speak except to plead piteously for her young daughter. This news once reached the Fagan family. Seed.

Coleman rushed to the village to see the body of the little child who had become more precious to him than his daughter. His assistant, Will Geesling, a Bloomfield undertaker, showed him the body, and the old man positively identified it. I was one of many people who examined the body that day and then I became curious.

The conditions that prompted hundreds of people to stare at the empty walls of a pencil factory and then gather for hours outside the courtroom where the trial was being held also prompted thousands to look at the body of a girl who had been brutally and mysteriously murdered. . The largest crowd to view the body of Mary Fagan has ever been seen in the history of the city of Atlanta. 20,000 people viewed the remains while in the building and hundreds more during the funeral in Marietta. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. But before that, doctors examined Mary Fagan's body, but their findings were kept secret until the trial. On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 29, the little girl's body was laid to rest in an old family cemetery in Marietta, Georgia, about 20 miles from Atlanta, as relatives and friends stood and wept.

Ddoctor H.F. Harris from the The California Board of Health ordered the body exhumed on May 7 for a detailed examination of the stomach and other vital organs. He was known only as the state's attorney until he testified at trial nearly three months later.

Did Israel committed a False flag attack on itself killing its own people to justify their pre plann
26 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Did Israel committed a False flag attack on itself killing its own people to justify their pre planned invasion of Gaza killing over ten thousand unarmed civilians? - Part 2

What about taxes if i invest in Bali? - Part 2
30 Views · 10 months ago

⁣What about taxes if i invest in Bali? - Part 2

Moderna is Losing Money on the Vax So Much so That They Have Been Forced to Increase the Cost Per Do
19 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Moderna is losing money on the vax so much so that they have been forced to increase the cost per dosage of the vaccine from $15 (or even free if you recall) to $130 per dose.

They are also rebranding as the "spikevax" with a new creepy dystopian ad campaign that says "spikevax that body"

News the fake mainstream media aren't telling you this week. - pt1
27 Views · 9 months ago

⁣News the fake mainstream media aren't telling you this week. - pt1

Game Over for Zelensky? How Long Till the US Government Forces Him to Negotiate with Russia?
19 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Game over for Zelensky? How long till the US Government forces him to negotiate with Russia?

According to Sarah @DDGeopolitics negotiations are already underway behind closed doors.

Japanese Firefighters are Battling to Control Flames from Flight JL 516 Which Collided with a Japane
27 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Japanese firefighters are battling to control flames from flight JL 516 which collided with a Japanese Coast Guard Bombardier-built Dash-8 maritime patrol plane at Haneda airport.

All 379 passengers and crew on board were evacuated but five of the six crew on the coastguard plane died, police said. The captain was injured.

Former VP of Pfizer Confirms Pharma Knew the Shots Would be Toxic
17 Views · 8 months ago

⁣Former VP of Pfizer confirms pharma knew the shots would be toxic.

"The fact that all four drug companies did it [used the spike protein]... it's a black swan event."

Villa Oasis
30 Views · 7 months ago

⁣Villa Oasis

Russias “Unprovoked Invasion of Ukraine" Was Actually TOTALLY Provoked and Could Have Been Easi
17 Views · 7 months ago

⁣Russias “unprovoked invasion of Ukraine" was actually TOTALLY provoked and could have been easily prevented. Watch these NATO warmongering clowns.

NATO exists to solve the problems created by NATO’s existence. NATO is a military alliance that feeds on war. To justify its existence, NATO constantly needs an external enemies and conflicts.

NATO has literally been expanding towards Russia for the last 25 years, after saying they would not.

Joe Rogan Criticizes the Corporate Media's Deceptive Trump Bloodbath Hoax and Highlights the Ri
9 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Joe Rogan criticizes the corporate media's deceptive Trump bloodbath hoax and highlights the rise of independent media.

"It's important to highlight how not just inaccurate but deceptive the media was in their depiction of what he said. They are taking this quote out of context and trying to say that there is going to be a civil war if he doesn't get elected, which is not what he's talking about at all.

It's so disturbing that they think they can get away with it with all of the scrutiny with social media and all the independent journalists that exist now, which is one of the more interesting things about the demise of corporate media.

The demise in trust in corporate media is at an all-time low, so this has led to a rise in true independent journalists. The real ones out there. The Matt Taibbi's and Glenn Greenwald's."

Elgato Weebee
8 Views · 6 months ago


The Pandemic was Used as a False Pretext by the WHO to Drive Vaccinations of all Peoples in the Worl
11 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear

“The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.”

He says the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”

- Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.

Source: Aussie17's Substack

Do Not Take This Warning by Neil Oliver Lightly

Joe Rogan Drops Theory Explaining Why Most Doctors Are Silent on COVID Vax Injuries and Deaths

Watch Pro-Vaxxer’s Face as Robert Kennedy Jr. Schools Him on Vaccine Safety
10 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Watch Pro-Vaxxer’s Face as Robert Kennedy Jr. Schools Him on Vaccine Safety

BRIAN SHAPIRO: “The vaccinations... It wasn’t all bad... It did more good than harm. Would you be willing to agree to that?”

KENNEDY: “I don’t see how you make that statement.”

Here’s why:

1.) “We had the highest COVID death rate. We had one of the highest vaccination rates in the world in our country. We had 16% of the COVID deaths in this country, and we only have 4.2% of the world’s population. So whatever we were doing was wrong.”

2.) Other countries with very low vaccination rates, like Haiti and Nigeria, had 1/200th the COVID death rate that the US had.

3.) “There were more deaths reported from the COVID vaccine than all vaccines in history combined since they started keeping records in 1986.”

4.) COVID was a disease of the old and infirm. But we mandated the shots on young people, and now they’re collapsing during sports and getting cancer.

5.) In Pfizer’s clinical trials, people in the vaccine group had a 23% higher death rate from all causes than the placebo group.

• “It appears that if you take the vaccine ... you’re 400% or 500% more likely to have a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don't.”

“If you just want to base your opinion on what they say, you would never take it.”
Original source:

Showing 82 out of 83