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ANR Founder Correctly Highlights, That One Australian Is Dying From the BS 19 Lethal Injections Ever
ANR Founder correctly highlights, that one Australian is dying from the Bs 19 lethal injections every 15 mins, and soon it will be every 5 mins , based on January’s excess mortality increase of 22.1%, being 2865 extra deaths then normal. This can only be attributed to the common denominator, being the quackzinne.
It can’t be from Bs19, as we were told the jabs were “ safe, effective and necessary “
He highlights also that the $53 billion in aid to Ukraine from the US,is a money laundering scheme going to NGO’s, who are run by Us Democrat Politician’s family, and friends.
“Sack the Majors this weekend”, he says as Labor and Liberal are panicking so much, they are starting to preference each other in some seats, to stop the rise of the freedom parties.
thankyou mate nice work for your hard work