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Do We Still Even Need Banks Anymore, With Fin Tech and Crypto Technology Superseding It, and Being N

25 Views· 09 May 2023
145 Subscribers

⁣Do we still even need banks anymore, with fin tech and crypto technology superseding it,and being now safer with 100% asset backing ?

If you are getting nervous re the collapse of the Western Banking System,and the planned introduction of CBDC’s, which would mean you lose all freedoms, and all your money, that they’ll replace with dodgy CBDC’s no one wants, you can still escape the banking system,and remain free.

Why not support the projects such as BRICST, to help replace your need to use the Globalists collapsing Western banking system. See

An effective bank account, that pays 10% pa.
100% asset backed with Gold,Real Estate,Crypto and Cash.
You can already trade it on exchanges and it’s guaranteed to be bought back off you at 100% of the purchase price . A fixed price stable coin.

Verse a bank that’s only 6% or less asset backed, and offers virtually zero interest.

We have choices now.

BRICS will also soon provide Lending for real estate,as well, up to 50%

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