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Gas Guggling Elites at World Economic Forum Plotting Their One World Government

61 Views· 28 May 2022
145 Subscribers
In Other

⁣The enemies of the world all in one location

That should become very convenient for mass arrests in the future.

These elites plot ways to divide 7.8 billion people to fight amongst themselves - left - right - vaxxed - unvaxxed - black - white - hate men - and so on

When we all decide to turn our attention to the real enemy - the rich billionaire oligarchs who think they know best -
Then the world will be liberated

We don’t need a one world Government or WHO or any non Government organisation dictating to us - unelected morons who are destroying democracy

We need strong nations, independent Sovereignty and a decentralised world -
And the power restored to the people -

And the elite tripled boosted to rid the planet of such danger

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