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How the "Schofield Reference Bible" was Created (Altering the Translation of The Bible) at

5 Views· 07 Dec 2024
145 Subscribers

⁣How the "Schofield Reference Bible" was created (altering the translation of The Bible) at the turn of the 20th century by the World Zionist Organization in order to brainwash Christians into adopting Zionism (a political movement) as a cornerstone of the teachings of Christ. ("The Judeo-Christian West")

At the head of this movement ("The Plymouth Brethren") was London oligarch John Darby, who sought to manipulate conditions to bring about [false] Biblical prophecy (according to a vision he had after falling from a horse and hitting his head) by migrating Jews from Europe to Palestine and ultimately compelling them to convert to Christianity after a series of violent conflicts.

They literally changed a passage in The Bible to say that a land was promised to the seed of Abram (Abraham) when it actually did not say that at all. Millions have died as a result of this deception.

This same group was responsible for creating the Federal Reserve, orchestrating both World Wars, unleashing the Bolsheviks, radicalizing the Muslims, enslaving Americans with the federal tax code, and destroying culture through moral degeneracy via Hollywood and pornography.

Jesus dictated to His apostle, John, seven letters that were to be sent to various churches. To the Church in Smyrna (modern-day Turkey), which was suffering under intense persecution, Jesus acknowledged their hardship, warning them of a faction of hyper-militant apostates who claimed to be faithful Jews, but had actually betrayed God and now served Satan.

“I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not, but rather are members of the Synagogue of Satan." -Revelation 2:9

Do people not understand what Q meant when he said that this information war was a battle against a cabal of Satanists? That this fight was "Biblical?"

(I don't think Q was claiming to have advanced knowledge of Biblical prophecy unfolding, as that would imply that the Q team had divine knowledge— which is blasphemy in the Christian faith. I think they were referring to the fact that the Bible had been weaponized against the Christian West by Satanists.)

I think when Q said, "The End won't be for everyone," perhaps he wasn't talking about brainwashed leftists, as everybody typically assumes. Perhaps he was talking about Christian Zionists whose arrogance will lead them to cling to false scripture, which was only written relatively recently.

What is clear is that these Satanists are fully prepared to kill practitioners of all three Abrahamic religions in order to keep the nations of the world divided and in a constant state of war.

I encourage all of you to not take my word for it, and go do your own research.


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