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‘15% of JobKeeper was paid to firms with rising revenue’: JobKeeper rorts | Alan Jones
John Baker
2 Views · 2 years ago

‘Jobkeeper was the single most irresponsible and reckless spending program ever undertaken by a government’.

Alan Jones slams JobKeeper rorts.


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Janelle Saffin on Lismore floods: ‘The thing that is missing, is the sense of urgency’ | Alan Jones
John Baker
2 Views · 2 years ago

Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin joins Alan Jones to discuss the flood recovery in Lismore.

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David Maddox on who could replace Boris Johnson | Alan Jones
John Baker
2 Views · 2 years ago

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'Economy won’t be able to cope': Labor promises wage growth | Alan Jones
John Baker
2 Views · 2 years ago

ADH TV is an online channel for promoting reasoned thinking, common sense politics, and considered debate. Watch ADH Broadcaster Alan Jones on our channel here:
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‘Liberals must capture Labor’s working class heartland’ | Alan Jones
John Baker
2 Views · 2 years ago

Watch 'Alan Jones' 8pm Monday to Thursday ADH TV:

#TimSmith #Australia #government #election #politics #ADH #AlanJones

Threatening letter to Dr
2 Views · 2 years ago

⁣American Board of Internal Medicine Sends THREATENING Letter to Doctor Researching COVID-19

Dr Peter McCullough talked with Dr Naomi Wolf.

How to make $200,000 to $800,000 Net passive cashflow if you have $1 million to $4 million in equity
2 Views · 11 months ago

⁣How to make $200,000 to $800,000 Net passive cashflow if you have $1 million to $4 million in equity, or for less than $59k buy property generating $2500 per month

Is Russia Now More Democratic Than the United States?
2 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Is Russia now more democratic then the United States ?
#russia #unitedstates #ukraine

Imagine if the West had democracy ?

New Regions of Eastern Ukriane that become part of Russia, get to vote now in local elections.

Just imagine if we had such democracy in the West, and a nation that defended traditional values and good over evil.

Let me guess the woke crowds will vomit 🤮the western propaganda in response.

Russia is a dictatorship run by Oligrachs, and is a communist country, and this is just Russian propaganda.

Facts. The Communist Soviet Union ended in 1989, and was set up by the same R family after a brutal take over of Russia, and are now trying to destroy Russia again. They used to reside in Eastern Ukraine, until being banished centuries ago for questionable satanic activities. They then pretended to be Jews to get though Europe, but are fake Jews who brought upon death and misery upon the Jewish people, a certain Holocaust, but perpetrated much worse holocausts on Germany and other nations. But they can’t be talked about..They hide behind anti Semitic rhetoric, and use minorities to push there deadly agendas, such as the gay, greens, black communities to divide to conquer.

The West is run by Oligarchs, not Russia.Putin put Russian Oligarchs into their place much to the displeasure of the West who had hoped to take and pillage Russian after the Soviet Union collapsed ( and did to Putin stopped them )

The west has fraudulent elections, continually rigged by its Oligarchs. If not sure just ask Soros. Another traitor to the good Jewish people. Maybe we should ask why do the fake Jews hate the real ones so much ?

Russia has a leader that’s elected by its people, with massive 70% plus support level,and is becoming a modern democracy. It’s certainly not perfect, and corruption still exist, just like everywhere, but compared to the West ?

The West has a leader installed, with Biden having in recent polls over 70% of even democrats, that no longer support their Oligarch installed Puppet.

The west has censorship and Globalists controlled media ( which control the state - which is thus mostly indirectly state controlled media )

The west isn’t exposed to so called Russian propaganda, as westerners are censored and only get western propaganda.
The west is much more effective at propaganda then Russia could ever be, or needs to be. Russia has a leader that speaks publicly often to its people, articulating and intelligently and honestly and answers questions. It doesn’t ban Western propaganda to the extent the West bans Russian media, despite its attempts to destroy Russia from within.

When has the West last had a leader speak truthfully to its people or at least a leader that can speak at all ?

If the West is a democracy it would mean that Biden isn’t a puppet ????

So let the brainwashed spew forth their western http://propaganda.It’s predictable as all they know is what’s fed to them since birth, on the western idiot box 📦.
Russia isn’t perfect.
But it’s heading in the right direction.

Where is the West heading ?

Starting more wars it can’t finish, having other countries like Ukriane destroyed by the Globalist Cabal who one use in the West.

#russia #unitedstates #biden #trump #putin #ukriane #RussiaUkraineConflict
Australian National Review

Media not paid to push Western Propaganda and shares the truth as uncomfortable as it maybe for brainwashed westerners that grew up in the West with Western propaganda and think it’s somehow news

Leo Frank Trial - Luther Rosser Closing Arguments Part 1
Leo Frank
2 Views · 1 year ago

⁣In his address to the jury, Mr.Rosser emphasizes the value of impartiality and the need to do so without passion or cruelty when deciding whether to take a man's life. He explains that because they are distinguished from careless people who wander aimlessly or in fits of reverence, jurors are different from people who are out on the streets. He also stresses how crucial it is to be impartial and pass on a man's life without passion or cruelty because it is their responsibility to do so. The detectives who tracked down two people to swear against Frank, Dalton and Conley, are the most crucial details in this trial . Dalton stole three times in Walton County before moving to another county, where he most likely went to avoid more trouble. Mr. Arnold told him in his ear as he took the stand that he was a thief, and he started to evade and flinch.

He knew he was a thief when he walked away from the stand. Dalton traveled to Atlanta, underwent a change of heart, joined a religious group, and persuaded them that he was no longer acting immorally. The narrator's belief in the divine power of regeneration and the possibility of reformation make up the text's most crucial details. One kind of man, though, cannot be changed: once a thief, always a thief. When they crucified the narrator and hung him on the cross on the hill, the narrator's master recognized the traits of a thief. Dalton defiled the name of his race, was a thief and worse, but after joining the church, he turned into a respectable, credible man. He was proud to respond in the affirmative when asked if he had ever visited that depressing, filthy factory basement with a woman for immoral purposes. Dalton had never before been the center of attention. The key information in this passage is that Dalton was questioned about his guilt and that, if he had fallen, he boasted and braggadocio about it.

He claimed he had no idea that she was such a peach that he was unable to look away to look at Frank's woman. Conley offers a different account, claiming that Frank kept the peach and lemon for himself and that Dalton had to find him a new partner. According to Dalton's account, he took that woman into the factory, into a filthy, unpleasant footed hole where slime oozed and where no respectable dog or cat would go, and there he satisfied his passion.

⁣The most crucial information in this passage is that Dalton and Conley went to the Clark Wooden Ware Company at 2:00 on a Saturday afternoon last year and left an Uzi trail behind them. Additionally, they looked for evidence that would expose the factory as an evil entity. Only Frank could make the statement to the jury; neither he nor Mr. Dot Arnold were aware of what Frank would say when he took the stand. In addition, he claimed that it would be impossible to round up 100 working women and girls in Atlanta using a fine-toothed comb, and that no working men in Atlanta would be so cold-blooded as to permit such conditions. Last but not least, neither Mr. Dot Arnold nor Frank knew what he would say when he took the stand; his statement to the jury was entirely his own work.

The speaker's ability to demonstrate that Frank's claim was true and the fact that they were not required to elevate Frank's character are the text's most crucial details. Despite the fact that some people have claimed he has a bad character, the speaker maintains that he generally has a good character. He also says that if the good and decent people who live nearby and know him come up and say that his character is good, the speaker will believe them. The speaker also says that as he gets older, he becomes gentler and that he wouldn't think or say anything bad about those misinformed young girls who claimed Frank was a bad man. The most crucial information in this passage is that Miss Maggie Griffin, Mrs. Dot Donegan, Miss Johnson, Nellie Potts, Mary Wallace, Estelle Wallace, and Carrie Smith were the only factory employees who had worked there since 1908 to have claimed that Frank had a bad character.

In the hundreds of people who have worked there since 1908, only these two have claimed that Frank is a bad person, and they were unable to persuade any men to leave the factory and swear against him. It is hypothesized that the long-legged Gantt would have known about Vice if the factory had been his den.
Due to his dislike of Frank, who Gantt does not like, Gantt was fired from the factory. There have been allegations that Mary Phagan learned how to work from Frank, but Miss Robinson refutes these claims. Although it has no meaning, he also called her Mary. Willie Turner, who has no grudges against Rosser or Luther, is the next person to be arrested. Due to his dislike of Frank, who Gantt does not like, Gantt was fired from the factory.

The accusations made against Luther and Willie Turner are the most crucial information in this text. Miss Robinson is alleged to have observed Frank instructing Mary Phagan in how to work, but Miss Robinson disputes this. Willie Turner observed Frank conversing with Mary Phagan in the middle room, but there was no indication of lascivious lust in her observations. The text also discusses the tactics the detectives employed against Willie Turner, including how they handled him and how Dorsey treated him. The text does not support the plot Hooper had so much to say about, but it does mention that Willie Turner saw Frank talking to Mary Phagan in the open. ⁣The detectives' theories against Willie Turner are the most significant details in this text. Miss Robinson is alleged to have observed Frank instructing Mary Phagan in how to work, but Miss Robinson disputes this. There is no evidence of the lascivious lust that Willie Turner is supposed to have witnessed when he observed Frank speaking to Mary Phagan in the middle room.

Willie Turner has also been the target of detective tactics, including how Dorsey handled him and how they handled him. Willie Turner overheard Frank and Mary Phagan conversing in the middle room, but there is no indication of lascivious lust. Willie Turner has also been the target of detective tactics, including how Dorsey handled him and how the detectives themselves handled him. Willie Turner has also been the target of detective tactics, including how Dorsey handled him and how they handled him. The most crucial information in this passage is that Frank was with a young child in an open factory in front of Levy Quinn's office, and that he never made inappropriate advances toward her. Grace Hicks and Helen Ferguson at Magnolia Kennedy dispute Dewey Hool's claim that she saw Frank placing his hand on Mary Phagan's shoulder and assert that Frank was not acquainted with Mary Phagan. Hooper asserts that Frank planned to bring the girl there on the Saturday before she was killed and that he was unaware of the identities of some of the pay envelopes that were left over from the previous Friday.

Despite Magnolia Kennedy's sworn denial, Helen Ferguson insists that she asked Frank for Mary Phagan's pay on Friday and that he refused to give it to her. Mary Phagan, a woman who had spent two days working in the factory, was killed, and Frank is accused of it. He is accused of being anxious, but Black, Darley, Sig Montag, and Isaac Haas all acknowledge that he is anxious. Frank is also accused of not answering the phone when they called him that morning, which may have been caused by the meal he had the previous evening. In addition, they claim that he didn't answer the phone when they called him that morning, which may have been a result of the meal he had the previous evening. Frank is charged with killing Mary Phagan, but Black, Darley, Sig Montag, and Isaac Haas all admit to being anxious as well due to their connections to the defendant.

The most significant information in this recording is that Grace Hicks and Helen Ferguson at Magnolia Kennedy contradict Dewey Hool and state that Frank never knew Mary Phagan, despite Dewey Hool's claim that he saw Frank placing his hand on Mary's shoulder. Jim Conley claims that at 4:00 on a Friday afternoon, Frank told him to come back the next morning. Hooper claims that Frank planned to get the girl there on the Saturday that she was killed. Helen Ferguson claims Frank refused to give her Mary Phagan's pay and told her to come back the following day to collect it on her own. Frank was anxious, according to Black, Darley, Sig Montag, and others. The most crucial information in this text is that Isaac Haas and Mr. Darley were both anxious, and that the girls in the factory were so anxious that they were unable to work the following day. Frank's nerves jangled as he gazed at Mary Phagan's disfigured form and crushed virginity. When they called him that morning, he wasn't awake, and the body was discovered. As a result, it's possible that some of the characters were dozing off when the breakfast bell rang and were hanging out of nervousness.

Leo Frank Case - Judge Leonard Roan's Instructions To The Jury At Leo Frank's Rape-Murder
Leo Frank
2 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Leo Frank was convicted on Monday, August 25, 1913, following the jury instructions provided by Judge Leonard Roan. Leo M. Frank was accused of choking Mary Phagan with a cord that was wrapped around her neck in an unlawful manner and with premeditation to kill and murder her. The jury was sworn to hear the case after the defendant entered a not guilty plea to the charge. The State had to prove its case by providing the jury with proof that proved the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt because the presumption of innocence was in the defendant's favor. Although beyond a reasonable doubt, the jury was not required to find him guilty.

Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being in the peace of the State by a person of sound mind and discretion with malice of forethought, either express or implied. Express malice is the willful intent to unlawfully take another person's life that is demonstrated by external circumstances that can be used as evidence. When there is little to no indication of provocation and the entire situation surrounding the murder suggests a heartless, malicious intent, malice is presumed. Malice in a legal sense refers to a general evil plan rather than specific animosity toward the deceased. If a homicide is established to have been committed by the defendant, the law presumes that the defendant acted with malice, and the slayer may be found guilty of murder absent compelling evidence to the contrary.

Proof that the defendant committed the murder eliminates the presumption of innocence. It is the defendant's responsibility to defend the homicide after it is established that the defendant committed the murder. The rules of evidence, which are intended to discover the truth, are the most crucial details in this text. Direct evidence that directly refers to the subject at hand is the best type of evidence. Indirect or circumstantial evidence is that which only tends to establish the matter by proving various facts supporting by their consistency the hypothesis claimed to warrant a conviction on the basis of circumstantial evidence.

In addition to excluding all other reasonable doubt hypotheses other than the accused's guilt, the proven facts must be both consistent with and exclude the hypothesis of guilt. In a criminal case, the defendant has presented testimony attesting to his moral character, which the jury should take into account as one of the case's facts. Like any other substantial fact tending to establish the defendant's innocence, good character should be weighed and estimated by the jury. However, the jury must convict if the accused's guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt and to their satisfaction.

⁣The most crucial information in this passage is that the jury may take into account the defendant's good character if the rest of the testimony raises reasonable doubts about whether or not the defendant is guilty.
If the jury's perception of the defendant's guilt is reasonably raised by the consideration of the evidence and the defendant's good character, then the jury has a duty to grant the defendant the benefit of the doubt created by this and to find the defendant not guilty. When the term "character" is used in this context, it refers to the overall impression that person made on those who knew him before Mary Phagan passed away. When a defendant calls into question his character, the State is free to refute it by demonstrating that his reputation in general is not good or by demonstrating that the witnesses who have claimed that his character is good have misrepresented it.

The defense witnesses for the defense who were introduced to attest to his good character have the right to cross examine, and the Solicitor General has the right to pose any questions in this vein. The jury is not to consider this as evidence that the defendant has been guilty of any such misconduct unless the alleged witnesses testify to it, which is one of the most crucial details in this text. The Solicitor General was permitted to question the defendant's character witnesses about their knowledge of various acts of alleged misconduct on the part of the defendant.

Furthermore, when the defendant has called into question his character, the State is free to call witnesses to refute those who claim his character is strong by showing that it is weak overall. This testimony may be used by the jury, and they have the right to do so along with any other evidence that has been presented regarding the defendant's general character. To be found guilty of the crime for which they are accused, a defendant must, however, be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on all other evidence in the case. The most crucial information in this text is that the jury can acquit the defendant if they think that the defendant's overall character was strong before Mary Phagan's death. However, if the jury finds the defendant guilty of murder beyond a reasonable doubt, they have the option of convicting him and punishing him with the death penalty by hanging him from a tree until he dies.

The defendant would have to accept the most severe punishment for murder, which is to be hanged by the neck until he dies, if the jury decides not to proceed with the case. The jury has been instructed by Judge Roan that the court must sentence the defendant to life in prison if the jury finds him guilty and recommends that he be held in a penal institution. The defendant's statement, which is not made under oath and is not open to questioning or cross-examination, has been heard by the jury. If the evidence raises a reasonable doubt in the jury's minds, they may acquit the defendant and state in their verdict: "We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.". Judge Roan concluded his charge to the jury by stating that if the jury found the defendant not guilty, the court would have to sentence him to life in prison.

⁣The jury began deliberation at 01:30 p.m. and at 04:39 p.m., they came to a unanimous decision. After a second and final vote, the verdict was guilty as charged and sentencing recommendation was without mercy, implying a death sentence for Leo Frank. The verdict was delivered to Judge Leonard A. Strickland Roan at 04:56 p.m. and each jury member was polled individually.

Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast
2 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast

‘I Think the Vaccine is Poison’: Tucker Carlson Says Refusing the Covid Jab is One of his Greatest A
2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣‘I think the vaccine is poison’: Tucker Carlson says refusing the Covid jab is one of his greatest achievements

“Whatever you think of how toxic it is, it clearly doesn't work. And so, why is this still on the schedule? And why doesn't anyone say that? I just feel like we're living in this moment where the most obvious things go totally ignored,” he said.

Where’s the lie?

From Pauline Hansen - Today I Asked the Senate to Support my COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention
2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣From Pauline Hansen:

Today I asked the Senate to support my COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022.

This bill would have protected Australians from discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status across Australia, including in employment, education, accommodation, and services.

It would have applied to the Commonwealth, States, Territories, and non-government entities, ensuring individuals are not unfairly treated due to their vaccination status.

It would have protected free movement within and between States and given parents greater power to protect their children from vaccination coercion.

This bill would have upheld Australians' rights and freedoms against government overreach and abuse.

Senators Lambie, Tyrell, Pocock, Van and Thorpe were all absent from the chamber, allowing Labor, the Greens and Senator Payman the numbers to defeat this vital legislation.

Huge Russian Gains on the Actual Front Lines Whilst the Distraction in Kursk was Being Staged by Zel
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Huge Russian gains on the actual front lines whilst the distraction in Kursk was being staged by Zelensky.

This is where the real fighting and military gains are being made. The Western Media and Ukrainian regime will never show you this.

BRICS Currency Will Shift World Into Multipolarity - Iranian Official
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣BRICS Currency Will Shift World Into Multipolarity - Iranian Official

Iran's deputy minister of Industry, Mine and Trade is optimistic about moving away from a unipolar world, he told RT at the BRICS ministerial meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

"I Don't Consider Myself a Traitor!" A US Air Force Sergeant Volunteers to Fight for
2 Views · 28 days ago

⁣"I don't consider myself a traitor!" a US Air Force sergeant volunteers to fight for Russia and receives Russian citizenship.

His name is Will. He is from Boston, Massachusetts. He came to Russia in January. He received Russian citizenship, signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense and became a UAV operator with the call sign "Boston". He is currently fighting in the Pokrovsky (Avdeevsky) direction as part of the "Center" group.

This is nonsense, this is propaganda... Mainstream media in America... Where was their outrage when this terrible terrorist attack on the beach in Sevastopol happened? The attack on Kursk, the death of a pregnant girl - I do not see any outrage about this in the Western press! This is exactly what I was talking about when I talked about the reasons for my decision to come here."

Former State Department Official Mike Benz Claims the U.S. State Department was Involved in Telegram
2 Views · 20 days ago

⁣Former State Department official Mike Benz claims the U.S. State Department was involved in Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, urging Congress to subpoena all related communications.

Benz suggests the State Department orchestrated Durov's arrest to gain leverage, forcing him to let them monitor Telegram. He warns WhatsApp is already compromised, and what you say there doesn’t stay there.


20 Minute Documentary on Disney’s Occult and Pedophile Symbolism
2 Views · 19 days ago

⁣20 Minute Documentary on Disney’s Occult and Pedophile Symbolism

Ukraine Loses Thousands of Men in Kursk While Borrell Praises Their 'Strategic Audacity'
2 Views · 18 days ago

⁣Ukraine loses thousands of men in Kursk while Borrell praises their 'strategic audacity'

If you are still delusional enough to believe that the West really cares about Ukraine, then here is evidence that they are, in fact, ready to sacrifice any number of Ukrainians just to spite Putin.

Kamala Harris Will Shut Down X and Other "Free" Social Media if She Becomes President
2 Views · 16 days ago

⁣Kamala Harris will shut down X and other "free" social media if she becomes President.

Honestly, why would anyone vote for her after watching this video?

Showing 315 out of 320