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Queensland Shootings Police Report Released

55 Views· 17 Feb 2023
145 Subscribers


See Aussie_News post today + links to all background info on Wieambilla + Police Report released last night

Let me first state very, very clearly that I condemn and vehemently oppose ALL forms of violence.

And I do personally believe the Trains had become radicalised and dangerously aggrieved with the world as we know it.

But this is the first time in Australian history we have seen the message of Christ’s return now linked to “domestic terrorism.”

Australia has millions of Christians.
We are a nation built on Christian values and the message of Christ himself.

But now the msm wants to paint Christianity as a dangerous and radical cult?
New lows but once again,
not surprising at all.

I wonder how Christians within the police force feel about this new narrative?

Please be mindful of comments. Zero tolerance here for any aggro comments.

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