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The UN/WEF/Agenda 2030 Pushers/Satanic Anti-Life Pedophiles Have Made It Clear that in the Future, T

104 Views· 29 Aug 2022
145 Subscribers

⁣The UN/WEF/Agenda 2030 Pushers/Satanic Anti-Life Pedophiles have made it clear that in the future, the U.S. won’t be the West’s superpower, and that more countries will need to take in migrants.

Why is this crucial?

Apart from the fact that the employment crisis could be pretty well sorted if they just let unvaccinated people go back to work, and all of the jabbed didn’t have destroyed immune systems that made them continuously sick - they want to destroy any form of patriotism.

I’m not against a multi-cultural society. I am against their attempt to destroy our love for our nation in order to further their plans.

When people don’t feel a strong sense of identity with their country, they’re less likely to fight to protect it.

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Derick 2 years ago

WTF are these morons talking about, the amount of people who are out of work just because the globalists decided to run a flu fear "hit, destroy, profit, and run" scam is beyond measure and these fools want to give work to migrants instead? I'm just amazed anyone listens to these fools at all, clearly fear and propaganda puppets.

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