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They are Lying to You About the Birth Control Pill, Ozempic, the Food Pyramid, Vaccines, and Much, M
2 Views · 20 days ago

⁣They are lying to you about the birth control pill, Ozempic, the food pyramid, vaccines, and much, much more.

Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in.

This is an amazing story that you do not want to miss:

Heartbreaking Footage from Vovchansk: Ukrainian Armed Forces Nazis Bombs their own Ukrainian Civilia
3 Views · 23 days ago

⁣Heartbreaking footage from Vovchansk: Ukrainian Armed Forces Nazis bombs their own Ukrainian civilians, who were being evacuated to a safe zone by Russian soldiers using a drone

During drone reconnaissance, Russian soldiers saw calls for help on the roof of a half-destroyed house — the inscription "SOS, Help Needed!"

It turned out that there were two Ukrainians with a dog in the basement. One of them was seriously wounded. Russian soldiers dropped water and a note "We will take you to a safe place, follow the drone."

The men put on white T-shirts to indicate that they were civilians and set out on foot. The Ukrainians spotted them and killed them. Killed their own.

From Pauline Hansen - Today I Asked the Senate to Support my COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention
2 Views · 24 days ago

⁣From Pauline Hansen:

Today I asked the Senate to support my COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022.

This bill would have protected Australians from discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status across Australia, including in employment, education, accommodation, and services.

It would have applied to the Commonwealth, States, Territories, and non-government entities, ensuring individuals are not unfairly treated due to their vaccination status.

It would have protected free movement within and between States and given parents greater power to protect their children from vaccination coercion.

This bill would have upheld Australians' rights and freedoms against government overreach and abuse.

Senators Lambie, Tyrell, Pocock, Van and Thorpe were all absent from the chamber, allowing Labor, the Greens and Senator Payman the numbers to defeat this vital legislation.

‘I Think the Vaccine is Poison’: Tucker Carlson Says Refusing the Covid Jab is One of his Greatest A
2 Views · 25 days ago

⁣‘I think the vaccine is poison’: Tucker Carlson says refusing the Covid jab is one of his greatest achievements

“Whatever you think of how toxic it is, it clearly doesn't work. And so, why is this still on the schedule? And why doesn't anyone say that? I just feel like we're living in this moment where the most obvious things go totally ignored,” he said.

Where’s the lie?

People Getting Arrested Over Facebook Posts — Tucker
3 Views · 25 days ago

⁣‘People getting arrested over Facebook posts?’ — Tucker

Tucker Carlson raises the important question: “Is the US headed in the same direction of the UK?”

Carnage Down Under: Helicopter Slams Into Hotel Roof in the Gateway City to the Great Barrier Reef
2 Views · 26 days ago

⁣Carnage Down Under: Helicopter slams into hotel roof in the gateway city to the Great Barrier Reef

The pilot of the chopper died when he crashed into the roof of a hotel in Cairns, Australia. Video shows smoke billowing into the night sky.

Following the accident, hundreds of guests and staff were evacuated from the building.

The Matrix is Glitching-President Biden Rides a Bike While on Vacay in Delaware
4 Views · 26 days ago

⁣The Matrix is glitching: President Biden rides a bike while on vacay in Delaware

Wonder if he will stop by Brandon Falls to take the sights in…

Breaking News Regarding Australian Property
3 Views · 27 days ago

⁣Breaking News Regarding Australian Property

Normie Christian Boomers have been Brainwashed Into Believing that the Modern-day Secular Nation-sta
1 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Normie Christian boomers have been brainwashed into believing that the modern-day secular nation-state calling itself Israel is actually the Israel of the Bible.

Andrew Tate Eviscerates Piers Morgan and Tommy Robinson for Being Zionist-funded Plants, Paid to Sow
3 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Andrew Tate eviscerates Piers Morgan and Tommy Robinson for being Zionist-funded plants, paid to sow division and stir up racial conflict in Britain.

This Lady was Arrested for Saying 16 Years of Immigration had Ruined the Area. She Describes the Deh
2 Views · 29 days ago

⁣Absolutely harrowing.

This lady was arrested for saying 16 years of immigration had ruined the area.

She describes the dehumanisation of her overnight custody.

She says the policeman could not define what she was actually guilty of, but said they had to charge her with something.

Effetti collaterali del digitale
14 Views · 30 days ago

Molte persone sono molto affascinati dalle "comodità" che offre il digitale. Non molti conoscono ciò che si nasconde dietro a questa presunta comodità. Il video vi da alcuni dettagli veramente allarmanti ma veri.

Elon Musk: British Civil War is Inevitable
4 Views · 30 days ago

⁣Elon Musk: British civil war is inevitable

This is how the billionaire responded to the clashes in Britain between white right-wingers and Islamists, which have been going on for the 4th day.

The reason was the murder of 3 children by a local Muslim.

Crowds of armed migrants are now roaming all over the country, causing pogroms and arson while shouting Alahu Akbar. They are opposed by the native English.

Editors note

How did we at Independent Media predict this would happen so accurately if there wasn’t a pre planned Globalist agenda for this to occur

And who is behind this ?

The United States of Israel and their last ditch effort to usher in their NWO One World trynanncial Government as a solution to end the much worse violence they have planned for you

Many will beg for their fraudulent solution

Aussie Cossack: Australia Risks Becoming 'Next Ukraine' for China Amid US Military Build-u
5 Views · 30 days ago

⁣Aussie Cossack: Australia risks becoming 'next Ukraine' for China amid US military build-up

"Australia is on track to become the next Ukraine for China," Australian independent journalist Aussie Cossack warns, expressing concerns over the increasing American military presence in the country. He criticizes the Australian government's enthusiasm for US forces, which includes missiles and hypersonic attack cruise missiles, suggesting these are aimed at China.

“This is all about setting up Australia against China. This is all about creating a threat for China using Australia, in the same way as the United States has used Ukraine against Russia, the United States wants to use Australia against China,” he tells Sputnik. @AussieCossack

Cossack urges Australians to "wake up" and push for neutrality, advocating for economic and political relations with BRICS nations like China and Russia, which he believes would respect Australia's sovereignty without imposing military bases or nuclear facilities. He concludes by calling on Australian patriots to "stop the inappropriate foreign interference and foreign influence of the US government in Australia."

Bodycam Footage Shows That, After Shots Were Fired, Police Took 5 Minutes Reach to Trump
2 Views · 30 days ago

⁣‘It all comes out’: Bodycam footage shows that, even after shots were fired, it took police 5 minutes to reach Trump assassin, Crooks

He could've reloaded with that much time…

In Germany, Doctors are being Ordered NOT to Treat Patients Who Disagree with the Government's
4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣"In Germany, doctors are being ordered NOT to treat patients who disagree with the government's policies."

Wait. What? This is insane!

BBC Calls Chaos on UK Streets ‘Largely Peaceful’… Until It Wasn’t
4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣BBC calls chaos on UK streets ‘largely peaceful’… until it wasn’t

The British broadcaster blamed "misinformation" for protest movements turning out in the city of Birmingham. The correspondent goes on to say it was "largely peaceful... (wait for it) for several hours."

So the footage must have been of a man "largely peacefully" kicked in the head and shops attacked while singing Kumbaya.

Listen to the British PM Starmer. He Literally Wants to Arrest you for Having Anti-government
4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Listen to the British PM Starmer. He literally wants to arrest you for having anti-government thoughts and posting memes.

Starmer also wants to extradite people in other countries such as Australia to face trial in the UK for criticising the British Government online.

You can make this shit up.


A Summary of the Democrat Narrative on Trump's Attempted Assasination
3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣A Summary of the Democrat Narrative on Trump's Attempted Assasination

Armed Men have Taken to the Streets of England in Response to Anti-immigrant Protesters with Weapons
4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Armed men have taken to the streets of England in response to anti-immigrant protesters with weapons, shouting "Allahu Akbar."

Many of them are masked.

Showing 3 out of 318