Latest videos
Ian Carroll on Joe Rogan exposing Pizagate and more
What’s happening to the Epstein files, and who was behind Sept 11?
Is it Globalism verse Nationalism?
Can we have a political revolution by 2031 in Australia?
Is Gerard Rennick and Alex Antic the best candidates for future Australian Prime Minister?
Who to vote for in the upcoming Australian Election and is there any parties not controlled by Israe
Who to vote for in the upcoming Australian Election and is there any parties not controlled by Israel and the Zionists ?
Jamie is joined by Australian Daily Independent Media Journalist Jason Olbourne
The CDC Held Secret Meetings About the Rise of Autism From Vaccinations and Kept the Information Qui
The CDC held Secret Meetings about the Rise of Autism From Vaccinations… (and kept the information quiet…)
“So they looked at one vaccine, which is the hepatitis B vaccine. They looked at kids who had gotten it in the first 30 days…and there was a 10,000% increase…”
How to make 50-100% capital gain in the next 12 months, then 20-30% net rental yields ongoing.
Zelensky Took Money From US Like Candy From a Baby' — Trump
ANR Independent Media Event | Stew Peters Promotion
Learn How My Investor Clients and I are Making 50-80% up to 100% Capital Growth From Real Estate, In
Learn how my investor clients and I are making 50-80% up to 100% capital growth from real estate, in-fact all of them have in the last 12 months and 20-30% net ongoing rental yields
Many can retire off just one property for more info or Zoom webinar 7pm Monday March 10
Candace Owens discussing her findings on Kamala Harris’ real ethnic background.
She’s not Black at all.
She’s Syrian Jew, Indian, and Irish.
Why Do They Want Us to Believe in the Climate Change Fraud?
Is it to create a One World Government tax?
Should Australia withdraw from the Paris Climate Change Agreement?
Promo by Jamie McIntyre and Dave Oneegs
French President Emmanuel Macron says Europe must prepare for war with Russia.
• Europe won’t accept Ukraine’s surrender as “peace”
• Raises the prospect of France’s nuclear deterrent
• Calls for European troops in Ukraine
This was broadcast live across the continent.
2GB radio's Phil O'Neil speaks with cybersecurity expert & futurist Skeeve Stevens to explore the potential for Russian interference in Australia’s upcoming election.
What a load of absolute garbage:
"I think in one of our past elections there was actually some rich Russian oligarchs that were actually funding I guess some people who were running for some seats."
There is literally ZERO evidence that this ever happened. Which candidates? What seats? Which oligarchs? Why does some "expert" on 2GB know about this but ASIO doesn't?
2GB is literally spreading disinformation about non-existent Russian influence into Australian elections. Why?
Preparing the narrative to blame Russia for Australian voters abandoning the Liberal & Labor major parties?
Measles outbreak?
What a f… joke.
Are we really supposed to be scared of measles now?
Thirty years ago, a measles outbreak wouldn’t have even made it into your local school newsletter, let alone the town newspaper, a city newspaper, or - like today - national and international headlines.
Has measles somehow become more deadly in the last 30 years?
The only thing that has changed is that in 1986, the vaccine industry - unable to provide reliable immunity with its products safely - was granted immunity from liability, even if their vaccines kill you or your loved ones.
Only the most easily manipulated would take a vaccine.
Those who blindly believe in government narratives and fake news media conspiracy theories are the only ones who would trust this fraudulent industry’s products.
If vaccines were truly safe, effective, and necessary, they would confer immunity - not demand immunity for harming or killing you or your loved ones.
In 2016, I offered a $1 million challenge for anyone to independently prove that a single vaccine on the market has been properly safety tested and is effective, safe, and necessary. RFK Jr. also put up $100,000 for the same challenge.
If the West is the Side of Good, How Do We Ignore or Deny the Holocausts Committed by the West?
Australia: Thousands Given Hours to Flee Cyclone Alfred — Could Reach Category 3 by Saturday
The tallest building on the Gold Coast is reportedly already shaking as huge waves build off of Surfers Paradise.