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ANR Founder Puts The Australian Prime Minister On Notice That He Will Be Held Accountable For Every
399 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣ANR Founder puts the Australian Prime Minister on notice that he will be held accountable for every Australian that dies, from the day he has taken office. Unless he immediately orders a National Risk Assessment of the Covid 19 vaccine roll outs and puts a stop to them.

The corrupted TGA, funded by Pfizer and co, just approved with zero safety studies, for Pfizer to now legally murder 6 months, to 5 year old Australian babies, under the authority of our Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

What fate and destiny do child killers and murderers deserve ?
And how much longer, should innocent Australians and Global citizens,patiently wait to see if justice will be done. Before they perhaps, decide on other courses or action to seek justice.

Stand against baby killers and Covid fraudsters.

Franco Giovannini, Medical Biologist Analyses the Blood of Vaxxinated People
390 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣Franco Giovannini, medical biologist analyses the blood of vaccinated people. Result:
80% of those vaccinated have red blood cell contamination and presence of exogenous materials, including graphene.

112 How Many Sports Stars Must Die From The Vaccines Before It’s Stopped And Who Do Russian Sanction
386 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣McIntyre Report Political Talk Show
Episode 112

How Many Sports Stars Must Die From The Vaccines Before It’s Stopped And Who Do Russian Sanctions Hurt The Most?

A Message to Vladimir Putin from a Brave Australian
376 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣A message to Vladimir Putin from a brave Australian.

🇦🇺Jefferson Earl, political candidate for the Federal 2022 election sends a message to Vladimir Putin from Melbourne.

366 Bekeken · 4 maanden geleden

Il video originale in lingua inglese è pubblicato in questo link: ⁣

BILL GATES FILES: This is the Video That Will Finally Put Bill Gates in Prison
363 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣An attack on a Russian plane in neutral space will be a declaration of war, - the Russian ambassador in Washington responded to the threats of senators

“ Intentionally attacking a Russian aircraft in neutral airspace is not just a crime under international law, but also an open declaration of war against the largest nuclear power ,” Anatoly Antonov warned. - An armed clash between Russia and the United States would be radically different from the proxy war that the Americans are waging remotely against us in Ukraine. Is the Capitol ready to expose American citizens and the international community to the risk of all-out nuclear war? Answer, dear senator! "

This is how the ambassador responded to the threats of a number of American parliamentarians, in particular Senator Lindsey Graham, to shoot down Russian aircraft in international airspace if they come close to US military equipment.

Wealthy Businessmen are Asking for Unvaccinated Pilots to Fly Their Private Jets
360 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Wealthy Businessmen are Asking for Unvaccinated Pilots to Fly Their Private Jets

Full documentary: “Watch the Water” -part1
357 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣Full documentary: “Watch the Water”
By Stew Peters Show

⁣The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.

Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, Warns about Vax Harms to the Japanese
351 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the Japanese Ministry of Health:

"You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine and force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed"

Former Australian Special Forces Commander Riccardo Bosi on Ukraine
346 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣"Ukraine is the center of the deep state. It's the head of the snake and Vlad's taking the head off."

"Ukraine has been the center of the globalists for decades and decades...The CIA has been working in the Ukraine for 70 years."

"Ignore all the chatter about nuclear war and Russia's attempts to take over the globe. Completely the opposite.
Do your own research and stop watching the mainstream media."
He nails it.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo on Cardiac-Related Deaths From Covid Vaccine: It's An Enormous Deal
342 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Dr. Joseph Ladapo On Cardiac-Related Deaths From Covid Vaccine: It's An Enormous Deal

Florida’s State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has recommended against males aged 18 to 39 receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines owing to an 84% increase in the incidence of heart-related death within 28 days following mRNA vaccination.

Epstein Flight Lists? Some Surprising Nominations Here!
338 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Wow 😯✈
Epstein flight lists?
Some surprising nominations here⁉

This Is a New One - Doctor Refuses to Take Lady as a New Patient Because She Is Vaxxed
336 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣This Is a New One - Doctor Refuses to Take Lady as a New Patient Because She Is Vaxxed

The Truth about Electric Cars
332 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣The Truth about Electric Cars

Fox News Stuns World With Unfiltered Truth: “This Vaccine Is the Most Dangerous Vaccine Ever Created
326 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣Steve Kirsch: "Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by this vaccine, and millions have been injured."

"Wayne Root. He had a wedding eight months ago ... And he found that of the 100 people that were vaccinated, he had 26 people who were seriously injured, and he had 7 people who died. And in the unvaccinated group, he had 0 and 0. That it's statistically impossible if the vaccines are safe."

OAN: Vaccinated Populations Suffering Strange New Illness, Doctors Report Foreign Compounds Found in
322 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣OAN is putting it all out there! Wow!
⁣OAN: Vaccinated Populations Suffering Strange New Illness, Doctors Report Foreign Compounds Found in Vaccines

Pharma Rep Tells the Truth About the Business
321 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣Pharma Rep Tells the Truth About the Business...

Channel 7 Under Siege, Sydney
307 Bekeken · 3 jaar geleden

⁣Channel 7 Under Siege, Sydney

Very Interesting Phenomenon Occurring Around the World
293 Bekeken · 2 jaar geleden

⁣Very interesting phenomenon occurring around the world. I saw this the other day, but it was only one location. Now, several countries are reporting the same thing. Sheep are being seen walking around in circles, in some instances for several days in a row.

Showing 3 out of 359