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Direct Energy Weapons Are Real!!

76 Views· 02 Aug 2022
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AussieGirl 3 years ago

Interesting article: "Lead Paint the Whole Story"

If you want DEW protection from your paint Make your own LEAD paint... drop some Lead sinkers or old Roofing nail heads into your paint and the lead will leach out into the paint.. that's what i remember being told some time ago... and lead poisoning from paint is apparently another EXPENSIVE excuse for other ways we were getting lead into our systems... maybe something they were putting in the air (Lead in Fuel) at the time and blamed lead paint so that years down the track (brings us to now) they would have effectively, efficiently removed the barriers that would have otherwise protected people from their DEW weapons... I am NOT saying that lead in the paint for children's toys or that lead ingested is NOT a health hazard.. IT IS.... but with care i feel that lead may be safely used in house paint particularly the external walls... obviously, not where children are likely to have access to painted surfaces like window sills and the likes... but surely the external walls would not create too much drama?

And, as i have found, 3 alfoil bags, (such as foil lined food packets from chips and rice cakes and the likes) one inside the other will effectively BLOCK all mobile phone reception (we have successfully tried it on 7 phones so far)... you just CANNOT find them on the network..

Idk if, the foil lined blue insulation that is now used in new homes would help give some protection... i have to get someone who has some to try it out... if it works on phones it 'may' be a solution for other more costly and essential equipment should we be exposed to and EMP attack... eg motor vehicles, electronic equipment of all sorts.. if anyone tries it out... please share your findings...

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