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MEP Christine Anderson Blows up on the Vaccine Agenda: "I Will Not Inject a Poisonous Substance

206 Views· 21 Oct 2022
145 Subscribers

⁣MEP Christine Anderson Blows up on the Vaccine Agenda: "I Will Not Inject a Poisonous Substance into My Body"

"'The vulnerable group among those who should be given priority to take this updated vaccine are pregnant women.' I have never heard anything more despicable than that! Because the point is this — they do not know what this vaccine does to the unborn child. They simply have no clue."

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Derick 2 years ago

Wonderful video that should be spread as far and wide as possible, I actually CLAPPED LOUDLY after this video, this woman REPRESENTS the POWER people have over these Big Far-Mafia evil scum and their evil puppets, they will ALL be taken down and PAY for their crimes with execution OR LIFE SENTENCES

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