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Part 1 - This is So Convoluted. The WEF is Boasting About How it has Indigenous Partners in this New

28 Views· 14 Aug 2023
145 Subscribers

⁣This is so convoluted.

The WEF is boasting about how it has Indigenous Partners in this new green energy hydrogen scheme, even in Australia.

They boast on their website about how Indigenous people are key to solving the climate crisis.

Basically, decoded, it means this:

The WEF, UN and co. are using Indigenous people across the world to “protect” the land. This is a front for 1. Land grabbing and 2. Falsely declaring land as “sacred” or vital to protect for saving the climate, which will ultimately lead to no humans being allowed to utilise the land while the globalists have unfettered access to it, pretending this is driven by Indigenous people and their “cooperation” with them.

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