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30 Vues· 27 Oct 2023
Leo Frank
Leo Frank
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⁣⁣Gantt went on to testify that he was shocked to see that Leo Frank appeared to have fallen from the sky. Another witness, J.A. White told her husband that she went to work twice that Saturday, the day before (11:30 p.m. and 11:50 p.m.) and in the afternoon (12:30 a.m.) where Jim Conley, a plant manager ⁣of color, was staying in the hallway.

He said he saw something there on the first floor. The floor between the stairs and the door. Leo Frank said that Mary Fagan came to the factory around noon (or shortly thereafter) to collect her weekly wages, as she had been laid off on Monday. He left after asking if the pencil holder had arrived, and as he left, Frank said he thought he heard other people's voices near the stairs. In those 40 minutes, Leo Frank had direct access to Mary Fagan, Jim had the opportunity to rape and kill Mary Fagan by giving her the closest alibi, and Jim Conley was involved in the murder to help him.

The next witness was Leo Frank's private investigator, Harry Scott. He said he knew because the manager of the pencil factory, Mary Fagan, had been fired a week earlier. This further undermined Leo Frank's credibility as he initially refused to admit that he did not know. It absolutely is. At the same time, Leo Frank Pinkerton pointed out to Detective Harry that Gantt was closer to Mary Fagan than he was, and did so several times to avoid the suspicions of his staff.

She did so by saying that Gant always paid attention to her and was very interested in her. Leo Frank Law Group attorney Herbert J. Haas asked lead investigator Harry Scott of the Pinkerton Detective Agency to turn over all the evidence he had collected before the trial, but the police promptly refused the officer and his colleagues. team.

The officer also testified that in order to obtain additional information from the night patrol, Leo Frank and Newt Lee were placed in a room next to the manager of the pencil factory and had a private conversation for 10 minutes. Newt Lee insisted on his innocence and stuck to the original story, while Leo Frank's strained language made him the prime suspect in the crime.

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